Category Archives: Affiliate

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Chances are you’re at this blog because you’re an affiliate, thinking about affiliate marketing or just a GDI WebSite user. But what is an affiliate and what is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the practice of a company like GDI paying out or rewarding someone from signing up a new customer, in this case for a WebSite. It’s easy to think of affiliate marketing like getting a commission each time you make a sale. But with GDI, you’re not selling, you’re marketing. Not only that, much of the marketing is already done for you. So why not take part in an opportunity where you get rewarded each time you refer a friend or colleague to a company you already love?


7 Powerful Content Marketing Tips

One way to drive traffic to your site is to create smart content. How do you create smart content and get views? We share our seven tips.

  1. Set goals for your content. What are you trying to achieve with each post, video or page? Set a goal and then create content that will help you achieve it.
  2. Invite others to take part. Ask team members and those in your network for feedback on your site and your opportunity. Then share it in a post of video.
  3. Share across many social networks. Even though Facebook may be your favorite, it’s important to share across many different types of social networks like Twitter, YouTube, SlideShare and Storify.
  4. Set a schedule and stick to it.  Select how often you want to share new content and stick to whatever that schedule may be. Visitors will come to expect it.
  5. Switch up your content types. Switch things up between video, presentations and text.
  6. Be a thought leader, not a parrot. Don’t be one of many of the same voices online. Select a unique point of view or area of expertise and share it, don’t just echo what others post.
  7. Respond to specific requests. Do you have visitors asking questions? Respond to them with a great post of video.