Category Archives: Advice

GDI Team Bonus: Why Aren’t You on a Team?

GDI has many offerings to help your achieve Income for Life or just a little extra cash each month. One of these offerings is our bonuses. We currently have four active bonuses you can earn:  the Weekly Superstar Bonus, the Duplication Bonus, the Learning Bonus and the Team Bonus. All of our bonuses require something a little different to earn them, but only one lets you work with a team, big or small, to earn a huge bonus together. The Team Bonus gives every one of our affiliates the chance to earn a big bonus that can become even bigger with multipliers. There’s just one catch: you need to be on a member of a team to win the bonus. So what’s stopping you? If you’re not yet on a team for the Team Bonus, here’s why you need to be and how to join or start your own.

What You Can Earn

The Team Bonus rewards a team of affiliates for the total number of signups they bring in during a set month. Each month teams are paid out a bonus of $250 per 25 signups with multipliers available based on number of people in a team, number and distribution of referrals, and Premium referrals. Each team member with a referral gets an equal share of the payout.

Join a Team

  1. Select Team Bonus Information from the GDI Bonuses area. Chose the option to find and join a team.
  2. If you know the team name you can search for it in the available search box or browse for it in the list of teams. If you aren’t sure which team you wish to join, you can simply browse all of the open teams listed.
  3. Once you have found the team you wish to be part of, select Join. A confirmation window will pop up after you do this to make sure this is the team you would like to join. When you click on Join Team a notice will be sent to that team’s leader letting them know you wish to join.
  4. The team leader then has to option to approve or refuse your request. Any requests that do not receive a response within 5 days will result in the request automatically being approved.

Create a Team

  1. From the Team Bonus Information area. Select Create Team.
  2. A pop up will appear and ask you to enter the team name of your choice and your language. By clicking Create Team after you enter this information you will be starting your team with you as the leader. Your team is active immediately.
  3. You can now see your team information and progress in the Team Bonus Information.


More than an Affiliate: Acting Like a Business Owner

business ownerIf you’re building Income for Life with GDI, then you’re one of our valued affiliates. You may identify yourself as a GDI affiliate, but you’re also much more than that. The affiliate opportunity with GDI gives you a chance to run your own business. We offer guidelines and assistance, but you have the freedom to run your business any way you like. For just $10 per month, GDI is a business opportunity like no other. Here are a few tips to change your view from affiliate to business owner.


To successfully build a business, you must have ownership of it. This goes beyond actual financial ownership and into the mental aspect of business. You need to own every aspect of your business from your reputation to your customer service. It’s up to you whether your business succeeds or not, so put ownership on every decision, success and failure. When you view the opportunity as something you own, you’re more likely to stick with it and succeed. Use the approach that you are your business.

Availability and Investment

If you know someone who owns a business, you know they essentially on call 24 hours a day. When you invest in something to make a living or even just extra money, you need to be available at any time to make it work. While you might not be getting calls at 5 am about a messed up shipment, you may need to take some of your personal time to assist your downline members or clear up an issue with a commission.  Set aside time each day for GDI, but also know something may pop up outside of those hours and it’s your duty to address it. Time invested in your business is time well spent.

Long View

No one starts a business with the intention of shutting it down two months later, so why take that approach to GDI? Successful affiliates will tell you that if they quit the first time they felt like it, they wouldn’t be where they are today. Look at your time with GDI as a long haul, not a chance to get rich quick. Set long term goals and mark down milestones to ensure you’re on the right track towards Income for Life.

GDI Learning Bonus: 2013 Tips

LearningBonusOur easiest to achieve bonus has been in full swing for over a year now. We’ve had many new affiliates earn their $25Learning Bonus and many more just a few steps away. If you’re new and want to earn your $25, here are a few tips to make sure you earn it on time.

Set up the proper email

Having the right email address set up helps to accomplish two steps on the way to your bonus. First, you must create a “GDI” email address at your domain. That means on of the addresses on your .WS email account should be Later in the steps you need to email from that address. Emailing from any other address will not count as a completed step.

Choose your service, but don’t worry about changing it

The fifth step of the Learning Bonus requires you to set up a WebSite using either WordPress or SiteBuilder. If you’re not sure which service you want to use or wish to use neither in favor of hosting later, that’s OK. Simply choose a service for now and create your WebSite. You can change your service once you’ve earned your bonus.

Use any Inviter you like

Step three asks you to send five invites with a GDI Inviter. This means you can use whichever Inviter you would like whether you have a Basic or Premium account.  Send out five invites with either Inviter and you can cross off this step!