Category Archives: Advice

What Beginners Need to Know about Affiliate Marketing

GDI Does Much of the Marketing for You…

…but you need to put in work too. If you’ve watched the 7 Minute Movie or chatted with other GDI affiliates, you know that GDI does most of the work for you. If you want, you can be completely hands off in your marketing, allowing the Inviter, GDI 7 Minute Movie and replicated site do the work for you. But to reach the Leaderboard and consistently add new signups, you need to put in extra work. This can mean creating your own videos, taking advantage of SiteBuilder or WordPress to customize your site or networking through social media. For part time income, you can work with GDI part time, but to really increase your level of income, you need to go the extra mile.

 You Can Create Income by Building a Network…

…and stepping outside of your comfort zone. You need to step a bit out of your comfort zone to build new networks and get connected with others. Reach out to old coworkers, local small business owners and entrepreneurs. They might be interested in GDI and they might put you in contact with people in their network. Don’t leave GDI just because mom and dad don’t want to sign up, branch out and tap into huge numbers of people.

GDI Can Benefit Anyone…

…but not everyone will be interested. GDI is a versatile opportunity whether someone is interested in generating extra income or securing a domain. While GDI can benefit many different types or people, some people will simply not be interested. It is important to know who is truly interested and who is wasting your time. Try to build your team with those people who have a genuine interest, not those who are signing up only to disappear in a month.

GDI Offers Many Sources of Support…

…but your sponsor should be #1. Reach out to your upline. GDI offers many resources for your questions including our support team, social media sites, and forums, but your upline should be your first life line. Your upline has more experience in GDI than you and can answer your questions. Reach out to them when you’re just starting out for advice and help, after all, they brought you onto GDI, it’s their duty to help you.

Attracting and Converting Blog Visitors

As a GDI affiliate a personal blog can act as a stand alone website or a great supplement to your main site. Your blog should not only be informative and eye catching, but also provide the right information to get someone seriously interested in being an affiliate. With the right content you can convert visitors to your blog into customers. Here are just a few steps to help you achieve this.

Who Are Your Writing For?

Your blog should be written for a specific audience. This will help you plan out content and to establish an audience for your blog. As you’re writing to engage potential team members, keep topics to advice, news and how-tos that are both relevant to GDI and your team and system.

Timely Content

Set Google Alerts for affiliate marketing, network marketing, GDI, and domains. These alerts can email you anytime news is shared anywhere on the internet on these topics. Staying abreast of key news and trends will allow you to create content that is reflective of this and timely. You visitors will see your blog as an outlet for up to date news and trends and keep coming back.

Content with a Long Shelf Life

While some content should be timely, other content needs to be timeless. Write blog posts that can be shared over and over and will not become out of date quickly. These posts can be informational or personal, sharing your story of success. Timeless blog posts means more sharing and a longer shelf life for your content.

Be Honest

If you’re writing your blog to convert people form visitors to team members, be honest about your intentions. Misleading visitors or tricking them into signing up is no way to grow your business. Visitors who are interested in the affiliate opportunity will be able to get information straight away from you blog and those who aren’t can navigate to a new site.

10 Quick Tips to Help You Succeed as an Affiliate

  1. Ask others for feedback. Share your site with friends and family and ask their opinion. Is you site clear? Appealing? Attention grabbing? Make changes accordingly.
  2. Have a call to action on your WebSite. What do you want people to do when they visit your site? Ask them to do this with a clear call to action.
  3. Get active on social networks and share your site. Social networks offer a huge opportunity for affiliates to network and share.
  4. Blog, guest post, and leave comments. These help to give you a bigger foot print online and show your commitment to building your business.
  5. Market offline. Online isn’t the only area to market your program. Reach out to local businesses or even consider flyers.
  6. Offer something different. What knowledge sets you apart from other affiliates? Share this on your WebSite and with team members.
  7. Invite sharing. When you post on social networks invite others to share your posts. Remember that only excellent content is worthy of sharing.
  8. Create videos. Videos are easily shared and allow visitors and potential team members to relate to an actual person.
  9. Keep it simple. Find a system that works for you and can be easily duplicated by team members then share it. Simple is repeatable.
  10. Don’t give up. Some weeks or months may be hard, but keep working at it to see continued success!