All posts by GDI Corporate

Learn More: Your Downline

Learn more about your downline


Are you new to Global Domains International? Have you had a .WS domain for a while but are now interested in the affiliate opportunity? Are you interested in joining GDI, but a little confused by some of the terminology? This is the right post for you. In this post we will cover exactly what a downline is, what it means to be in one and how they work with GDI.

Downline, Simply

GDI offers an affiliate marketing opportunity to all basic and premium GDI members. This means each person who signs on with GDI has an opportunity to earn commision when they share the opportunity with someone else. Each person who joins GDI as your referral becomes a member of your downline. The downline is simply those people who sign up underneath your sponsorship or down the line of the your sponsorship.

Sharing .WS

Many people need a website, but few have the opportunity to get that website and earn commissions for referrals to the same great service. GDI does just that. Each time you share GDI with someone and they become a paying affiliate and domain owner, they will be added to your downline and you will earn a commission.

Downline and Upline

If your downline members are the people who signed up “under” you, then what does that make you? As we explained above, this makes you their sponsor and upline. With GDI everyone has the opportunity to build income, so most  people will be an upline member to others while in the downline of their sponsor. You are in the downline of your sponsor, but are the upline of those referred and signed on “under you.” This is true for almost everyone working in affiliate marketing.

A Team Attitude

Understanding that you are simultaneously an upline and downline member should help you understand how important a team attitude is to succeeding with GDI. When you succeed, your upline members succeed and when your downline members succeed, you will succeed as well. No one creates success with GDI alone. Work to support your downline and learn from your upline to help you towards success.


Ready to Learn More About Affiliate Marketing with GDI?

affiliate marketing



How to Offer Great Customer Service with a Busy Schedule

customer service


As a GDI affiliate, you have to opportunity to essentially run your own business. With this opportunity comes some unique responsibilities. GDI takes care of the product and keeping track of commissions, but it’s your job to provide customer service to your downline members and potential members. We understand that many people who are GDI affiliates also have another full or part time job, so offering customers service can be difficult. To help you offer the best customer service to your downline and keep team members, we’ve provided some time-saving customer service tips below. Read on for tips on how to offer great customer service to your downline in order to help them grow and be successful.

Decide What Kind Support You Will Provide

It’s very important to decide what kind of customer support you want to offer your downline as soon as contact begins. If you’d rather do business by phone, tell your prospects and downline members so they don’t waste their time sending an email that won’t get read by you. Deciding what kind of support you want to offer often depends on your availability. If you know you can’t be near the phone for calls from your downline, email might be best. If you think you are a better communicator over the phone than in text, provide your number to your downline members. Select a way of providing service and stick with it. You can, of course, offer support by email and phone if you have the availability.

Set a Schedule

Now that you have outlined how your downline can reach you, it’s important to let them know when they can reach you. GDI is a global opportunity, so some of your downline members may not be in the same time zone as you or a have very different schedules. Clarify with your downline members when the best time is for them to reach out to you–consider putting this information on your website or blog. Be sure to add what time zone you’re in, so members know what times might work best for both of you.

Offer “Office Hours”

Teachers often offer office hours–a time when students can come and meet with the teacher and ask questions without interruptions. While it may not be feasible for you to meet with your downline members, consider offering office hours. This time period of one to two hours could be a great opportunity for a conference call with your downline members where you share ideas and successes. Even consider using a tool like Skype or Google Hangouts to talk “face-to-face” with your downline members during office hours once a week. This is a great time to check in and brainstorm ideas.

Use Video and Blogs

Inevitably, your downline members may have a question and be unable to reach you. For these instances videos, informative blogs posts, and FAQs are a great option. If you get certain questions from your downline often, consider making a video or a blog posts that answers that question. As you make more of these, create an email or section of your website that shares answers to these frequently asked questions. Simply direct your downline to this page or email and see if they can help themselves. Follow up with an email or call when you can to make sure they got the answer they needed.




Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

Do's and Don'ts of Email Marketing


Email is a great tool for marketing. Email is accessible, low cost and allows you to connect with many people at once. But email does have rules and guidelines you should follow when using it to market. Read on for a few of these very important do’s and don’ts of email marketing.

Do Have an Authentic Subject Line

It can be tempting to send a subject line that is exciting and gets people to click open. Like, “Open to Learn How to Become a Millionaire” but unless you can promise people a path to riches in your email, this should not be your subject line. Use your subject line to give a quick overview of your email and what you want to do. Try, “Learn Tips from a Successful Affiliate” or “ Sign In and Join My Team.” This emails get to the point of the email, but also encourage the receiver to open them.

Do Write Conversationally

Often times in email marketing, you may be sending an email to many people at the same time. While this is efficient, it can quickly trap you in robotic writing style. Trying to accommodate many people with one email is intimidating, but not impossible. Write your emails in a conversational way, like you’re writing to a friend (but beware of grammar and slang!). When in doubt of how to write, look through your own inbox for examples of emails you received that you liked, and others that turned you off their product. Try to imitate the style of those emails that connected with you.

Don’t Share Everyone’s Email Address

You don’t need an email service to send marketing emails to many contacts at once. While you can use GDI’s Inviter tools to send multiple emails, you can also easily use However, when sending emails to multiple people, make sure you’re not sharing all your contacts with strangers. You don’t want to show your recipients the email address of everyone you’re mailing to. This is impersonal and shares emails of people who might not want their email public.

To email multiple people without addresses being shown, use the BCC option in the “To” box. BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. This means all the names in that box are getting the same copy of the email, but the recipient line is blind, meaning others can’t see recipient addresses other than their own.

Don’t Email Too Frequently

How often does your email inbox get out of control with emails you don’t want? Daily? Hourly? We all get too many emails, so its important to respect that your recipients probably feel the same way. If someone signs up for email from you, be clear about how frequently you will email them. Try not to email someone more than once a week unless they have given you an OK to do so. Respect when someone asks to stop receiving emails or just get less.

Don’t Send Unsolicited Emails

Due to opt-In laws, you can’t just email anyone marketing emails out of the blue. People must opt in to receive emails. To get people to opt in, set up a simple signup form on your website. When someone signs up, send then one email first asking them to confirm they signed up, ensuring they sent the right email address and they are ready to receive correspondence. Now you’re ready to start sending marketing emails.