February Team Bonus by the Numbers

Congratulations on everyone’s hard work in February! February 2014 saw a record number of teams earn the Team Bonus! This is impressive any month, but with only 28 days in February, it’s phenomenal! Here’s how all the numbers break down for February 2014.

Total Payout: $6,937.00

Total Multipliers:  10.75

Number of Teams Awarded the Bonus: 9

Teams Who Won a Bonus: 21Millionaire, GDI Website Leaders, GDI Team 1, Dollar Wise, Magyar Csapat, WS Profits, GDI-HYDERABAD, congo, Red de Oportunidades

Biggest Team Payout: $3,375.00

Smallest Team Payout: $250.00

Team Size of Biggest Winner: 1,115

Number of Sign Ups:  228

                Qualified Team Members:  105

Team Size of Smallest Winner:  26

Number of Sign Ups:  25

                Qualified Team Members:  12

If you want to win the Team Bonus, get started now. March’s contest is in full swing. To learn more about getting started, read our post on it HERE.



A Network of Affiliates

Affiliate marketing can also be referred to as network marketing for good reason: you’re building a network. Look at the image to the right and notice how it’s affiliate programconnected. Each person is connected to the person in the middle, right? That person is you. How does this play into your business? Here’s how it should: each person in your network is connected, but you are the common thread. This means that everything that goes on in your network comes back to you. Try to build your downline with a few not-so great people for a quick commission? That will come back to you and start to break down that network. Build your network with people joining GDI for the right reasons? You will all succeed.


To build your downline and network effectively, you need to build it with quality people who have the same goals as you. This will require a little extra work. Instead of seeing your downline as a way to gain income, see them as your team. When they succeed, you succeed. Your downline doesn’t exist just for you to earn income, but to help each member of your team earn income. Each time you consider a member for your downline, interview them. Get to know them. If you go the extra mile, this person will be part of your network, connected to you and helping you for years to come.

Quotes for Success

withideaLooking for success with GDI? Sometimes all you need is a little motivation. Here are some of our current favorite quotes on success.

“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.”- Zig Ziglar

“If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.”- Zig Ziglar

“I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well.” – Alan Greenspan

“The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. “- Henry Ford

“To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth

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