Category Archives: WebSites

Afraid of .WS? Don’t Be

  1. LinkedInDomain.WS stand for WebSite. It’s a natural choice for a domain extension and easy to explain to others.
  2. .WS is universal. .COM is strictly American where .WS is a worldwide domain extension.
  3. More domains than ever are leaving .COM and moving to short two letter domain extensions like .WS.
  4. .WS offers internationalized domain names. Not only is .WS universal, but with the purchase of an IDN, sites can be accessed by anyone in their native language.  Learn more about IDNs.
  5. .WS is affordable and available. Popular .COM addresses are unaffordable and rarely available, but not .WS. Our domains are affordable and offer great availability.

Learn More: Link Tracking

On Friday we talked about some of our favorite social tools, one of them being bitly. bitly is a link tracking and shortening service that tells you who is clicking your links and when.  This information is crucial to figuring out what kind of traffic you’re driving, if your content is keeping people engaged and if the links to your site are inviting. bitly and sites like it are becoming essential to better create and manage your content and links.

Thankfully, link tracking tools are very easy to use, and most just require a quick registration. They allow you to shorten, share and track links. Unlike site analytics programs, link tracking sites allow you track links from as many different websites as you would like all at once. These sites work by creating a shortened link for the URL you copy and paste into their program. Once the shortened link is created from you original URL you can then use that shortened link, which will look something like this: anywhere you’d like and see real time date for clicks. These shortened links function just like regular URLs.

Link tracking is helpful for seeing how often your link has been clicked, what the most popular click times were and clicks over a longer period of time like multiple months. You can take the link data these sites share and see what kind of content you’re sharing gets the most clicks and at what time to ensure you are posting content your visitors will like. Link tracking sites are also great for Twitter and other micro blogging sites with limited space as these services can make even the longer links much shorter.

Some examples of link tracking sites to check out:



Tiny URL-


Basic SEO Tips for Your WebSite

seo2Website Design

Your website design is important for search engines to be able to find you. Flash only webpages do not rank well in search engines as they can’t tell what your text is. Your site should have a good balance of keyworded text and images as well as all the content you want to share.

Fresh Content

Try to change your content every now and then. Sites that are updated often tend to rank higher in search engine results. This can be as simple as a weekly update on your news or adding timely material that you know needs to be changed out—like a short lived contest or discount. This way you will have hold yourself accountable for updating content and removing dated material.


Links are an extremely important part of SEO and specifically backlinks. An easy way to add backlinks without the help of other sites is to link back to your own content. For example, if it is a blog post and you are referencing a past post, put that link in.

Links back to your blog rank especially high if they are coming from outside pages. So connect up with other affiliates and marketers and share links. Submit content to other websites and request they link back to you if they use it. These are all super simple ways to get your page rank higher in search engines, while simultaneously advertising your site and opportunity.


If you don’t have the skills or time to update your main website content every so often, consider adding a blog to your site. As you can see HERE getting started with your own WordPress blog is easy, and posting is even easier. Take the time to write a quick update and post it to your blog, search engines will see this is part of your website and that it is being updated frequently, ranking it higher.


If you use photos on your blog—add captions. This is a simple trick to allow more keywords on your site. Label captions as what they are but use careful consideration or the keywords you want people to hit your site with. You can caption an image of GDIs top tools like Inviter as “Use the tools shown above to be a successful network marketer.” This uses the keyword “network marketer” and explains what your image is a the same time giving you better SEO.