Category Archives: Advice

Your Winning Advice: Round Two

This holiday season we’ve been asking for your advice. The GDI Big Tippers Contest launched at the beginning of November and offers 2 more chances to win $100. We just finished our second round and announced our top two winners Sarode Jiakngulueam and Kittitat Wasati. We want to take this opportunity to share their advice and share GDI’s take on it. Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win by sharing your advice on our Facebook Page or tweeting us with it.

1. Be clear why I’m here. I just ask myself everyday and YES! GDI is the way to my dream. -Kittitat Wasati It’s a great idea to check in with yourself and your team to see why it is you’re building your business with GDI. What brought you to GDI in the first place? What keeps you here? The answer to these questions can provide the motivation you need and help you find the answers for your team. Have a conversation with yourself once a month to reset goals and brainstorm new plans and ideas.

2. Once you have members joining under you, you should be training them and helping them out. -Sarode Jiakngulueam We could not agree more with this advice! One of the big keys to success with GDI is helping others. The way your downline is set up makes it in your best interest to help those in your team. As your downline succeeds you succeed. Help your downline achieve success by being available, answering questions, and offering training in any way possible. Need more ideas for achieving this? Check out our past posts on the subject.

Quora for Affiliate Marketing

You may not have visited Quora just yet, but it’s very popular and gaining momentum. Quora, as its own website states, “A continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.”

What it’s good for

Quora is good for answering questions you feel you are an expert on and of course getting answer to your own questions. Search a phrase like “affiliate marketing” and you will be given a list of results with that phrase, most of which will be helpful. You can also add your own answer to questions that come up in search results.

How it’s unique

Quora is unique in quite a few ways. First off, if gives you a great direct opportunity to be a thought leader and establish yourself as an expert in you field. Twitter and Facebook offer this, but it can require lots of searches to find people discussing the information you interested in. With Quora there is a direct way to do this. The site is also different from other social question and answer sites in that each question and following answers are held to strict guidelines and are peer reviewed often to be sure those guidelines are respected. For example, when addressing a poster you must address them by first and last name, to ensure there is no confusion if there are multiple posters with the same first name. Questions must also be formatted in a specific way, which Quora will show when you start to post questions.

Ways to use it

Use Quora to establish yourself as in expert in the fields you have the most knowledge, like affiliate marketing or website design. Ask and answers and follow questions to get updates. You can also follow people on the site to see when they ask or answer a question. Link your Quora and your Twitter to drive your followers to see your answers and discussions. Quora is great to establish as a thought leader as well as ask and learn other leaders.

Your GDI Opportunity and the Holiday Season

As the holiday season enters full swing, it’s easy to get distracted by all that’s going on. Don’t let your business fall by the wayside this holiday season by following a few of our tips.

Maintain Relationships

With lots of spending and full schedules, people may not be as interested in joining something new this time of year. This is why it’s important to maintain the team and the relationships you have. Take the time to reach out to all of your downline members during the holiday season and see if there is anything they need. Holding onto your current downline members is extra important this time of year as you may not be adding as many people as usual.

Don’t Forget Your Business

Taking a break is never a bad idea, but don’t completely forget about your business this holiday season. Plan ahead for travel and parties and schedule some time to work on your business. This can mean writing blog posts, updating your WebSite or adding new videos that show your site and your opportunity is still active. Don’t forget to respond to emails either. People will understand if you’re a few days behind, but more than that and they may lose interest.

Plan for the New Year

As the holiday season starts, it means the New Year is fast approaching. Take advantage of this time to make a plan for next year. Set goals and schedules for building your business next year. It’s a great time to start fresh and start building something big!