Category Archives: WebSites

FAQ: Why isn’t my WebSite showing what I created?

If you’ve set up your WebSite one way, but what shows when you navigate to your domain shows something completely different, it’s time to check your DNS.DNSOptions

Now you have another question: What is DNS? DNS stands for Domain Name System. Your DNS setting is what tells your domain what to show your website visitors. Your DNS setting will decide if your visitors see a replicated site, WordPress site, SiteBuilder site or forwarded site. You can view your current DNS setting or change it by logging into your Members Area and navigating to Domains on the left hand side. Here you will see your current setting and a link to change the setting if you wish.

Choose Your Setting

As you can see from the image to the right, choosing your DNS setting is just a matter of clicking a button. But you must decide what setting you would like your domain to display. Once you select your DNS, your page domain display will change to reflect that. Don’t worry if you change your mind after you chose a setting, you can change your DNS at anytime. Just be aware that changes can take up to 24 hours to be completely process and available to your visitors.

Ways to Market the Newest Replicated Site with William Shatner

GDI’s co-founders Michael Starr and Alan Ezier were recently interviewed by Doug Llewelyn and William Shatner for Moving America Forward. GDI’s co-founders also received the Keeping America Strong award for the work they’ve done with GDI. This interview is powerful and showcases GDI with some big names, making it a great marketing tool. The interview is now available on a Replicated Site in your Members Area, making it a simple marketing tool to get you sign ups. Here are three ways to promote site interview and your new Replicated Site.

GDI Founders

GDI co-founders Michael Starr and Alan Ezier showcase GDI in the video. These are the men behind GDI sharing their passion for it. This is a powerful way to market for anyone skeptical about GDI. Those people can learn about GDI from the co-founders own words.


GDI and its co-founders were given the Keeping America Strong award. This award was given to them for the work they are doing with GDI to Move America Forward especially in these tough times. This award shows interested people the strength of GDI.

Big Names

Moving America Forward is hosted by William Shatner who also takes the time to talk with GDI co-founder Michael Starr. You will also recognize Doug Llewelyn behind the desk from his years on People’s Court. These big names are a great way to get people interested in the video and drive them to learn more.

SiteBuilder vs. WordPress: Choose Your Service

GDI offers you two tools to help you easily build a WebSite at your .ws domain: SiteBuilder and WordPress. How do you know which one is right for you?

If you want to take out the guess work: SiteBuilder

SiteBuilder provides customized, professionally designed templates. You can choose form template groupings and then individual templates. These are set up with the color scheme and layout already chosen for you. All you need to do is add your own content in the form of text, photos, videos and more.

If you want endless themes and plugins: WordPress

While GDI provides professionally designed templates, anyone can design a WordPress template. This means there’s a countless number of themes available online for your download. If you’ve got a specific idea in mind, chances are you can find a theme created by someone else to fit it. This does require you to search outside of WordPress and some themes do cost money, though there are plenty of free ones as well.

If you just want to blog: Both

WordPress is designed for blogging. You can create almost any type of website with you want WordPress blog, but blogging is at its core. If you prefer SiteBuilder’s easy drag and drop structure and templates, don’t worry, SiteBuilder offers a blog plugin you can easily activate. Learn more about SiteBuilder’s blog option here.

If you want to share video: Both

Adding video is easy with both SiteBuilder and WordPress. It’s as simple as copying the embed code from the YouTube video you like and pasting it into the HTML or text option of the post editor. Click here for a step by step video on adding video to SiteBuilder.