Tag Archives: traffic

Stay Relevant

We talk often about keeping your site updated with new content to keep new traffic and returning traffic interested. While posting frequently is good to gain consistent traffic, what you post can also affect your traffic. Read on for a few ways to post the most relevant and topical information to keep people coming to your site.

Follow the News

See what’s in the news and how it relates to your site and your opportunity. Taking the time to follow the news and relating it to what you share on your site will show people you are invested in your business and what is going on in the world around you. A second way to benefit from this is to relate your new content to big news stories. Big news stories attract a lot of traffic online and simply relating it to your content and your business gives you a chance to have a piece of this traffic.

Follow Trends

We don’t mean get sucked into the trends but just be wise to them. Know what the new trends are in social media, in internet marketing and in sales. Research how and if these trends could benefit you. If they are something you would like to adopt you will be providing relevant and timely information while trying something new that could benefit or streamline your business.

Think Like Your Audience

A quick way to have a “stale” website online is to not know who you are talking to. Who should your website be directed to? Don’t take too much time thinking about and talking about your competitors, this will turn people of to your site. Instead direct your content and your site voice towards the people you want to be visiting your site.