Tag Archives: motivation

What’s Your Legacy?

Each day you work with GDI you are building your legacy. With any business, especially online businesses, you are constantly building your reputation and your legacy. What you do leaves an impression on visitors to your site, past and present downline members and anyone interested in working with you. It’s important to think about decisions not just in how they will affect you right now, but also in the future and how it will reflect on your and your business.


We’re all busy, making it all too easy to ignore an email, skip a phone appointment or just forget to chat with our team. While this may not seem like a big deal today, this will affect how people see you and the legacy your business leaves. One missed phone call can be the reason someone leaves GDI. An ignored email can be a missed opportunity to build your team. As these things happen people remember them and share them. Don’t let you long term goals be hindered by ignoring work now.


GDI’s bonuses give you a chance to earn money while learning more about the business, helping others learn more, and building your team. When you chose to work towards these bonuses, it shows your commitment to GDI and others as well as building your income. Deciding not to work towards bonuses can show a lack of commitment to GDI, your downline and potential team members. Think of the legacy you leave as you work to build your business. How will people talk about you? How will they remember your work ethic and your business?

Monday Motivation III

Sometimes a little motivation is all you need. Here are a few of our favorite motivational quotes to help you get started on your Monday morning.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning – Bill Gates

The only limits are, as always, those of vision.James Broughton

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas Edison

A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.Tony Robbins

The quotes below are form marketing great Zig Ziglar who had experience in sales, marketing and motivational speaking. He also knew a thing or two about building your network.

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar

Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. – Zig Ziglar

The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job.– Zig Ziglar


Midweek Motivation: Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Commitment

There are many misconceptions about affiliate marketing, one being that it is a get rich quick scheme. You surely know that there are no get rich quick schemes that work, and GDI in no way claims to be one of them.

Quite the contrary, we suggest our affiliates be ready to invest time into and commit to growing their business. Dedicating yourself to this opportunity and sticking with it will truly pay off. While it is possible to make great money in those first few weeks, it doesn’t happen right away for everyone. When we ask our most successful affiliates for their advice, it’s always the same “Stick with it.” Our affiliates with big checks form GDI coming in each month simply wouldn’t be where they are if they had quit early on.

GDI does not charge you sign up fees or cancellation fees. You can sign up and quit right away if you truly want to, but you won’t be any better off because of it. You can stay with GDI as long as you’d like, but to be truly successful, you need to put in the time and be ready to commit. Commit to building Income for Life and not quitting because you had a bad week. Commit to signing up others and helping them build their income. Commit to learning all you can and sharing your success with others.

GDI’s affiliate program gives you the freedom to build your own business, so you’re not committing just to GDI, but really to yourself. Stick with it and keep moving forward.