Tag Archives: marketing monday

Monday Marketing Tips

marketingYou told us in our recent poll that you wanted to more marketing information. We’re happy to oblige and will no be sharing marketing tips each Monday. These quick tips are great to apply to your own opportunity or share with others in your downline, on your team or just in your life.

Offer something. Sure you want people to sign up and earn money, but what can they get right away? Some prospects need instant gratification as a push. Offer education, information or support right away.

Track your invites. GDI’s Inviter tool allows you to easily send out emails to interested prospects, but you’re not done once the email is sent. Check back in your Members Area to track the emails stats, like opens and click-throughs to know who to follow up with and what subject lines work.

Know your competitors. Do you know what GDI offers versus other programs? If not, it’s time to find out and share! Let prospects know how GDI matches up to other more expensive services. Get started HERE.