Tag Archives: email

The GDI Difference: WebSite and Email

This is the second part of a series explaining why GDI is different than the affiliate marketing companies you have heard of before. Share these blogs with anyone you know who might be skeptical or just wants to learn more.


You’ve seen it before: affiliate marketing sites that are nothing more than a personalized link. The only thing that sets one affiliate apart from another is their name at the end of a generic link. With GDI this couldn’t be more different.

If you want to get up and running immediately, but look a little different, you can quickly chose from one of our many replicated pages. But, to truly take advantage of GDI, you can build your own website using SiteBuilder or WordPress. These tools allow you to create a truly unique site that you can use for your affiliate opportunity. Even better, if you are really skilled with building websites, you can create your own and host it with GDI. GDI gives you the chance to make your business stand out and not get lost in the crowd of other affiliates.


While some other opportunities offer email, GDI is truly different. With just a basic membership, GDI gives you 10 personal email addresses for your domain. This means not only can you take advantage of them, but so can your family. The multiple addresses also gives you a chance to use our email for business or personal use without having to sign up for an additional account. More so, GDI offers an easy to use email service allowing you to access you email from anywhere.

I Don’t Want a Domain

As you market your opportunity and the GDI products, you will encounter people with many different needs. Some may want a domain and not be interested in the affiliate program, other may want their own personal email address, while others still may see no need for a domain at all. How do you market to these people? How do you get someone on board who does not see the power in having their own domain name? We share three tips.


The simplest response to someone who does not want their own domain is to explain the power of a personalized domain. A domain gives you the unique opportunity to brand yourself, your business and your future. At $10 per month, GDI gives people of all levels and abilities the opportunity to build their own website, have 10 personalized email addresses and maintain their own personalized domain. Whether it is on social media or email, people are advertising for other companies each time they access the internet. They are Facebook.com/BobSmith and bobsmith@yahoo.com. Why not take the opportunity to be bobsmith.ws and advertise YOU and build your own online experience. Having an online presence is extremely important and the more personalized, the better.

Affiliate Opportunity

GDI offers a great affiliate opportunity and some of our affiliates do not take advantage of the products, but solely the opportunity. Many people are interested in building their business and may or may not be interested in building a website themselves. Simply market GDI as the great affiliate opportunity it is and explain to people they don’t have build their website to build their team, but it will help them if they do.

Email Services

While someone may not be interested in a domain, email services are something we all need. GDI allows you a personalized email address unlike any other. Instead of BobSmith8765@gmail.com you can be Bob@Smith.ws giving the a great opportunity for branding whether you’re building your business or reaching out to others, your personalized email will stand out.

More .WS Email Questions Answered

What is catch-all forwarding?

Catch-all forwarding will forward all email sent to whatever@yourdomain.ws, you can choose to have it forwarded to any existing email account you currently use. Using this option you do not need to setup individual mailboxes.

How do I enable catch-all forwarding?

Click on the “Disabled” link in the Catch-All forwarding section. On the next page, select the “Enabled” option and type the email address to which you want your incoming mail delivered and press the “Update” button. You will be sent a verification email to the destination address you specified with a link you much click to complete your forwarding setup. Your forwarding setup will remain as “Pending” until you click the verification link.

How do I disable catch-all forwarding?

Click on the “Pending” or “Active” link, in the Catch-All Forwarding section. On the next page, select the “Disable” option and the “update” button. Catch-all forwarding is now disabled.

In the catch-all forwarding section, what does this, *@(my domain), mean?

This indicates that whatever@yourdomain.ws will forward to a destination email address that you specify. Mailboxes that are listed in the Active Mailboxes section are not included in catch-all forwarding.

Does catch-all forwarding include mailboxes listed in the Active Mailboxes section?

No, mailboxes that are listed in the Active Mailboxes section are not included in catch-all forwarding. Email is received directly to the inbox. You can enable forwarding for a specific mailbox from the Active Mailboxes section.

What does email prefix blocking mean?

An email prefix is all of the characters before the “@” in an email address. If you are receiving unwanted mail when using catchall forwarding to certain email addresses, you can block specific prefixes in order to not receive the unwanted mail.

How can I block an email address from receiving any email?

Enter the prefix in the block prefixes field and press the block button

How many email addresses can I block?

We allow up to 3 email prefixes to be blocked for each domain on your account.

Can I block active mailboxes?

No, active mailboxes cannot be blocked. You must first delete the specific mailbox from the Active Mailboxes section.

Can I use your email service while my domain is hosted with a different company?

No. Our email service will only work for domains pointing to our servers. If you are using another hosting company, they will provide email services for your domain.