GDI Feature Spotlight: WordPress Plugin

wordpress plugin

When you sign up to be an affiliate with GDI, you get a unique domain and the tools to use it. One of those tools is WordPress, a ready-to-use plugin that allows you to build a blog or website with little experience or special skills. Chances are you’ve visited a blog, or many, powered by WordPress. But did you know WordPress offers many other features beyond just a platform to put up blog posts?

Read on to learn about some powerful WordPress features that are included in your WordPress plugin.


WordPress powered websites are endlessly customizable. GDI offers our own branded theme that you can find by navigating to Dashboard>Appearance>Themes and choosing the GDI Template theme and clicking Activate. If you’d like something different, consider browsing the themes that are offered for free through WordPress.

Still not finding what you’d like? You can find many more themes on websites all over the internet, just type what you’re looking for and “WordPress theme” into your favorite search engine. While many of these themes are free, uploading them and getting them to display can be a little bit more difficult than using themes that are available right through the WordPress platform. Lastly, if you’re still not finding what you’d like for free, some people offer themes for a variety of prices. Be sure you’re on a reputable website and you know how to use the theme before purchasing.


WordPress allows you to create many unique pages in addition to creating unique blog postings. Pages are different from individual posts and in most themes will appear at the top navigation of your blog or website. These pages are a great option if you would like to use the WordPress plugin to share blog posts, but also want to have easy-to-access information on your website that you don’t have to update frequently. Consider putting information about yourself, your business, or your affiliate opportunity on individual pages on your site. Also consider hosting tutorial videos or services on this pages, so visitors can easily access them without having to scroll through multiple posts.

Website Beyond Blogs

WordPress can be used to build much more than your standard blog. Browse through available themes and you can see easy to build website formats or blog style posting that better showcases photos and video.

Multimedia Support

Blogs don’t have to be all about text. WordPress offers great support tools if you want to include more media in your postings. WordPress’s media library stores all the photos and videos you’ve ever uploaded to your site and gives you easy access and direct links to your media. These direct links are great if you ever want to host and link to an image. There’s no need to use services like Imgur to link directly to uploaded media when you use the media library. WordPress also allows for additional plugins that support media like podcasts and better video. To find these and any other WordPress plugin, head to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins>Add New.

Subscription, Contact, Search, and More

WordPress also offers some simple services that are great for building a business. These services are subscription, search, and contact forms. The built in subscription widget allows people to sign up to receive emails whenever you post something new on your blog. The contact form gives you a chance to connect with website visitors that want to connect directly with you. Search allows all visitors to find the just the content they’re looking for on your site. These simple services all come already included with WordPress, no updates or plugins needed.


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Premium Affiliate Membership Commissions, Lottery, and Bonuses

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If you frequent GDI’s website or follow us on Twitter, you will often see us mention Premium sign up lottery winners. These sound great, but what are they? How do you take advantage of them? Read on to learn how you can enter into this lottery and learn about other highlights of GDI’s premium membership.

Going Premium

GDI offers two affiliate memberships, Basic and Premium. With a Basic membership, you are a member of GDI and can build out your .WS domain, take advantage of our built-in tools and earn commissions on referring others to GDI. With a Premium membership, you get these same benefits and much more.


For $40 per month, Premium members can earn premium commissions, meaning they are paid out $15 on their first level and $5 each level down after that.This means your small monthly investment of $40 offers you better products, but also the opportunity to quickly earn income.

Premium Tools

You get access to the same great tools basic members get, but also gain access to tools like GDI’s hit logs, which allow you to learn more about the traffic coming to your site. Your tools also include our Inviter 2.0. This Inviter has an even easier-to-use interface than the classic Inviter and allows you to email a large number of contacts imported from a number of sites, like Gmail and Yahoo. Lastly, Premium offers you a chance at the Premium Lottery and improved bonuses, not available with basic memberships.

Premium Lottery

How great would it be to be entered into a lottery everyday without ever having to buy a ticket? Well thats how GDI’s Daily Premium Lottery works. Each day, three Premium GDI affiliates are randomly selected as winners. These winners will receive new trial signups who do not yet have sponsors. This is a great chance to build your downline and convert a trial signup to a new GDI affiliate. These signups are already interested in GDI, and, as lottery winner, you would have the opportunity to work with them and become their sponsor.

Other Bonuses

As a Premium member, you can participate in any one of our bonus contests, or all of them! All GDI affiliates can work toward the Weekly Superstar Bonus, which rewards you with a bonus $100 for referring five (5) new affiliates in seven (7) days. When you earn this bonus as a Premium affiliate, you don’t have to wait for your monthly commissions, you can choose to be paid out immediately with PayPal or Payza.

GDI’s Team Bonus is also open to all levels of affiliates, but Premium users and premium signups can increase your bonus using multipliers. Check the full rules to see how you can earn and even larger team bonus by converting Premium affiliates.

Believe it or not, these are just some highlights from GDI’s Premium membership. Visit your Members Area and navigate to GDI Premium to see every benefit and service offered to Premium affiliates.


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