Category Archives: Social Media

GDI Around the World Contest

Around3Where do you work from? We want to know! The ability to work from anywhere is one of the many perks of being a GDI affiliate. In our newest GDI Around the World Contest, we’re asking you to share in photo form all the places you can work from.

Have a local landmark you want to show off? Snap a pic! Traveling somewhere exciting? Show off! At the local library building your business? Show us! Maybe you’re halfway across the world–we want to see!

We want you to print out your .WS banner from your Marketing Kit and snap a picture of it in front of places all over the world. We want you to show off just how many places you can work to build your business from. The favorite photo stands to win $50!

How It Works: We’re asking you to check out your GDI Marketing Kit and print out the .WS banner included. The banner already has your site name on it, all you need to do is print. Maybe even print multiples to have on you just in case you see somewhere that deserves a photo. The banner can be printed on standard letter sized paper.

Now take that banner and snap a picture with it and your spot in the world in the background. Have fun with this a get creative! Take a photo in front of a landmark in your town, that waterfall on vacation or even in front the Sphinx!

You can be in the photo or not, it’s up to you, but the banner must be in it and it needs to be clearly shown. This means getting close enough so that people can read the domain on the banner, but not so close that viewers can’t see where you are. Once you have your picture, create a board on Pinterest named “GDI Around the World” and post it there. When you’re done, share the link with us on Facebook or Twitter.

We will collect all submissions and share them on our GDICorporate board with the same name. The pins will now be up for a vote. The pin with the most likes will win $50 from GDI.

How You Win:

Step 1: Take a photo with your site banner in front of an awesome background. Be creative!

Step 2: Log in to Pinterest. If you don’t have an account, you can set one up easily through Facebook or Twitter at

Step 3: After you’ve logged in to Pinterest, create a new board named “GDI Around the World” and upload you photo to it. Title your photo with the landmark, town, state or country you’re in. Feel free to link the photo to your WebSite.

Step 4: Share the link to your new board with GDI on our Facebook page or tweet us. Use the hashtag#GDIAroundtheWorld if you’re using Twitter. We will collect all photos and share them at our “GDI Around the World” board at

Step 5: All qualified pins* will be up for a vote. Vote for your favorite “GDI Around the World” pin by clicking on the “Like” button above it. The pin with the most likes will win that GDI affiliates $50. GDI Corporate will also select an additional winner to win $50.

*We will not be accepting Photoshopped photos. We want to see you out in the world with your sign in real life. It only takes a moment to print!

*The submission period for pinned photos is April 15, 2013-May 31, 2013. We will select a winner after the final submission day.

*GDI reserves the right to refuse any pins. We want your pins to reflect places all over the world!

Two Tips to Build Your Network

Identify Your Potential Network

First, figure out where you want to focus your efforts…Then, create a list of contacts within those parameters…”

-Harvard Business Review

Building a network is crucial to growing your business, but building it with the right people is essential. While your first thought for building a network may be to cast a big net, this isn’t the best idea. Focus on what type of people you want in your network and to build your team with. Sure, your old neighbor might be an easy contact, but what do they have to offer you and your network?

If you’re building a network to grow your business, consider what type of skills and work ethic you’re looking for. For example, someone who is social media savvy or has experience running their own business is a good choice for an affiliate marketing network. As such, work on adding people to you network with those skills.

Identify How Can You Add Value

“Give to get—but really, give to give. It can pay off handsomely in the long run, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. Share an idea, lend a hand, or make an introduction that could be beneficial to another person. And watch what starts to happen.”


The first quote stresses on what qualities you want others to have and what they can give you. This point is the necessary companion to that. Identifying the people you want in your network is important, but how do you get them on board? You need to identify what you can offer others to incentivize them to connect with you and remember you. As stated above, what you offer can be as simple as an introduction or more involved like sharing a great idea. Think of what you can offer someone before you reach out to build that connection and you will have a conversation starter and a reason to stay top of mind.




Marketing on Twitter for Beginners

Social Media is great for building your network. If you’ve yet to join Twitter because it seems overwhelming, it’s time to change that. Just a few tips can help you to truly utilize the service and grow your network and influence.


Once you join Twitter, don’t go silent. This isn’t an open invite to babble either, unless you don’t want any followers. Balance your general statement tweets with tweets that engage others. Post that engage other can be ones that ask questions or any post where you @ another user. You’re not limited to engagement with your followers; you can tweet @ anyone to start a conversation and hopefully a connection.

Build a Following

Why do you follow someone? This is the question to ask yourself when building a following. The qualities that cause you to follow one user are those you want to emulate and build you follow. Post content that is worthy of a retweet like great videos or blog posts. Tweet on the trending topics that you can find on the left-hand side of your feed, other users following them will see your tweet. Stay topical. Tweeting on the news and current trends helps you to set yourself apart as a thought leader people will want to follow. The followers you gain can quickly become part of your network as you engage with them.

Don’t Link Blast

Sending out only tweets that link to your WebSite or blog is a quick way to get people to ignore you. Balance any links to your own site with tweets without links, conversations with others in your network and even retweets of others. This shows you are on Twitter to engage in conversations and not just self promote.