Category Archives: Motivation

10 Quick Tips to Manage Your Online Reputation and Work Towards Longevity

Two things that are extremely important in affiliate marketing are your reputation and the length of your relationships with team members. Longevity and a great reputation will help to grow your business and keep it strong into the future. To celebrate Friday, we’re sharing 10 quick tips to achieve both.

Online Reputation

  1. Google your full name, screen name, and email to see what’s out there. Work to address any bad feedback there may be and promote and share the good.
  2. Get active on social media. Share news, advice, and information that may be helpful to anyone looking for an affiliate opportunity.
  3. Respond to tweets, emails, and Facebook postings aimed out you. This shows not only are you listening, but you care enough to respond.
  4. Share your successes. If you’ve had a great week, month, year or whatever be sure to share in on your blog and broadcast it to anyone listening.
  5. Be a thought leader. This means staying ahead of trends and actively sharing information on new tactics and approaches.


  1. Look at your downline as part of your team and work together with them to build mutual success.
  2. Reach out to your team before they need your help. Check in with each team member to assure them they are valuable.
  3. Respond to complaints and questions quickly. An unanswered question or plea for help can be the tipping point for many team members to give up.
  4. Get inventive. Don’t be satisfied with just doing things the same old way. Get creative with your team and share new ideas and build new plans for success.
  5. Set goals for your team. How can you truly succeed if you don’t know what your goals are? Work with your team to continually set new and future goals.

The GDI Difference: Cost and Inventory

This is the first part of a series explaining why GDI is different than the affiliate marketing companies you have heard of before. Share these blogs with anyone you know who might be skeptical or just wants to learn more.

Up Front Cost

To get started with many affiliate marketing programs there is a sizeable start up or up front cost. This cost might go to inventory, products you need, or simply the cost to have access to the business. These up front costs can be quite hefty, especially since you haven’t even had a chance to build your business yet. But this is not so with GDI. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been with GDI for years, the cost is just $10 per month. Not only is this a low monthly cost, but it is the same cost that someone pays to simply get started with GDI. $10 is most likely the smallest amount of money you will need to start your own business and $10 per month is all it takes to start building income for life.


Like many affiliate marketing companies, GDI offers you a great product to take advantage of and earn income as you share it with others. But unlike other companies, you don’t need to buy huge amounts of products that you must pay up front for and then find somewhere to store. With GDI, the product and services are all online. You have access to an unlimited number of products with just an internet connection and there is no need to pay up front for what you pass on to others. You simply pay $10 per month for GDI’s products and services and earn your income as you refer others. No up front fees, no products to ship.

What’s Your Mission Statement?

Objectives help to guide a business, keep things on track and be sure it is always working towards the right goals. Objectives are equally as important to building your own business with affiliate marketing and GDI. Proper objectives can help you to reach many goals, whether it’s traffic, revenue or just the amount of time you want to spend building your business each week.

One way to create the right objectives is to set a mission statement first. A mission statement defines your business, its values and consummate goals. What is your business trying to achieve? How do you want others to perceive your business? What are you offering to the market? This is what should be in your mission statement.

Here is a great example of a GDI affiliate mission statement: “To offer low cost domain solutions to those who need it while offering a chance to build residual income and educate others.” This mission statement covers what the business offers and hopes to achieve. Create your own mission statement and refer back to it often to ensure you are maintaining your values while working towards the right goals and building the right business for you.