Category Archives: Marketing

Pinterest and Affiliate Marketing

What is it?

According to Pinterest themselves, “Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Pinterest allows you to organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. You can browse pinboards created by other people to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.”

In short, Pinterest is a social bookmarking site that is based on images that are linked rather than links alone. It makes it easy to share what you like and get others excited about it based on the images you share.  You can sort your pins into categorized boards making them easier to navigate. Sharing your sites and projects on Pinterest can help to create more backlinks to your sites and entice new traffic.

How to take advantage of it

Take advantage of Pinterest by visiting the site and browsing around. You can brose by category and find anything from new websites to advice and videos. When you find something you like, “pin it” to your board to share it with everyone on Pinterest and those following you.

How to build a following

Share your own great work on your Pinterest boards. This can be your websites, videos and anything else you created that is image heavy. Pinterest allows you to share links with a broad audience and entice people to click and re-pin with images. So if you’re got a great site to share and just want to check out some new links, head to Pinterest.

Also take a moment to browse GDI’s Pinterest boards and follow us. On our boards you will find us sharing your sites, videos and marketing tips.

What’s Your Mission Statement?

Objectives help to guide a business, keep things on track and be sure it is always working towards the right goals. Objectives are equally as important to building your own business with affiliate marketing and GDI. Proper objectives can help you to reach many goals, whether it’s traffic, revenue or just the amount of time you want to spend building your business each week.

One way to create the right objectives is to set a mission statement first. A mission statement defines your business, its values and consummate goals. What is your business trying to achieve? How do you want others to perceive your business? What are you offering to the market? This is what should be in your mission statement.

Here is a great example of a GDI affiliate mission statement: “To offer low cost domain solutions to those who need it while offering a chance to build residual income and educate others.” This mission statement covers what the business offers and hopes to achieve. Create your own mission statement and refer back to it often to ensure you are maintaining your values while working towards the right goals and building the right business for you.

Marketing to Provide Value

Recently, we posted about affiliate marketing versus affiliate selling. GDI is an affiliate marketing opportunity, meaning that adding new team members is not about just getting rid of or selling a product, but connecting people with the right product, price, and opportunity for them. Affiliate marketing is about providing value to prospects and team members, not selling inventory. We share a few tips to ensure you’re providing value while working to build your team.


While the chance to generate income by referring people to GDI is enough to get many people excited, you need to go beyond that when sharing the opportunity. Start educating potential team members about GDI and how to be successful with GDI right away. This is a chance for you to provide value before someone even considers joining your team. This value means more educated team members and in turn more successful team members.

Don’t Sell

As we said in our previous post, don’t sell GDI, but market it. When you are in a “selling” mindset, you may end up with the wrong people and struggle to meet your goals. You do not want to sell to just anyone. You want to market the right product to the right people who can be an active member of your team. Market to people to ensure they are interested in GDI for the right reasons.


This tip came from our successful Tissa Godavitarne. He advised that when you are looking to grow your team, reach out to many people, but then take the time to qualify them. Get to know people before you add them to your downline to decide if they will be good for your team. Switch roles and instead of having potential team members study you and decide if they want to join, study them, get to know them, and then decide if they will be an effective part of your team.