Category Archives: How To

Help Your Team to Build Your Team

Sometimes we get questions on Facebook and Twitter about how to contact your upline. One of the best ways to avoid upline problems is to educate our affiliates on ways to be a good upline resource in the first place, so the education and best practices spread. Read on for a few great tips to be a great upline.

Be available

Don’t go AWOL. Once you have someone secured in your downline, that is not the end of the process. Network Marketing is about building a network. You need to work to maintain relationships and ensure you and your network are successful. If your downline emails, calls or reaches out, it is in your best interest to respond and help them in order to continue to successfully build your downline.

Be open

Aside from just being available, be open about that fact! Tell your downline and your network that you are available and encourage them to reach out to you if needed. You want to establish a level of comfort that ensures everyone in your network  can achieve their full potential.

Offer Help

Try to offer help and guidance even before it is needed. All affiliates experience the same process and tend to share many of the same highs and lows. Everyone, even our most successful affiliates, had to start somewhere. Take the time to share some of the important lessons and experiences that helped to make your GDI business a success. Is there a pitfall that you experienced, but now understand how to avoid? Share the knowledge!

It All Comes Down to Relationships

Success in affiliate marketing and with GDI, like many things in life, comes down to your ability to build and maintain relationships. Building a network takes time and effort and a little extra work in the beginning. Establish open lines of communication and relationships with your downline and you will ensure everyone in your network has a chance for success.

What are your tips for being a great sponsor?

Marketing Your Opportunity with the Four P’s

GDI offers you the opportunity to build Income for Life with our affiliate marketing opportunity. While affiliate marketing differs from traditional marketing in many ways, there are still lessons to be learned from the more traditional form. One of these basic lessons is the importance of the four P’s when it comes to your business. They are product, promotion, place, and price. Each of these pillars are essential to successful traditional marketing, but can also be applied to affiliate marketing. Learn how.


The product is the domain, site building services, and email. The GDI product offers a unique opportunity for anyone looking to the brand themselves of their business. The product GDI provides includes your own personalized domain name, 10 email addresses at that personal domain and the tools to build your site our host it on our servers.


Promotion is the way you communicate your product and all it has to offer. GDI gives you many tools to promote the products and affiliate opportunity. These tools include the 7 minute movie, your own website, personalized email addresses, your own blog, and the Inviter. You can also promote using many other tools like social media, videos and guest blogging.


Place refers to getting the product to a point where it is easy for someone to access it. This is simple with GDI since domains can be purchased and accessed from anywhere there is an internet connection.


GDI offers its products and services of the low price of $10 per month and even offers a free 7 day trial. This price allows you to easily market it with out fear of people saying there product is too costly.

I Don’t Want a Domain

As you market your opportunity and the GDI products, you will encounter people with many different needs. Some may want a domain and not be interested in the affiliate program, other may want their own personal email address, while others still may see no need for a domain at all. How do you market to these people? How do you get someone on board who does not see the power in having their own domain name? We share three tips.


The simplest response to someone who does not want their own domain is to explain the power of a personalized domain. A domain gives you the unique opportunity to brand yourself, your business and your future. At $10 per month, GDI gives people of all levels and abilities the opportunity to build their own website, have 10 personalized email addresses and maintain their own personalized domain. Whether it is on social media or email, people are advertising for other companies each time they access the internet. They are and Why not take the opportunity to be and advertise YOU and build your own online experience. Having an online presence is extremely important and the more personalized, the better.

Affiliate Opportunity

GDI offers a great affiliate opportunity and some of our affiliates do not take advantage of the products, but solely the opportunity. Many people are interested in building their business and may or may not be interested in building a website themselves. Simply market GDI as the great affiliate opportunity it is and explain to people they don’t have build their website to build their team, but it will help them if they do.

Email Services

While someone may not be interested in a domain, email services are something we all need. GDI allows you a personalized email address unlike any other. Instead of you can be giving the a great opportunity for branding whether you’re building your business or reaching out to others, your personalized email will stand out.