Category Archives: Beginners

The First Sign Up

If you’re part of the affiliate program, the first sign up is cause for celebration. With GDI’s Learning Bonus, you can celebrate with cash is your sign up converts to an affiliate. No matter when it happens, your first sign up is cause for celebration. You may get one within the first week, or maybe it will take months.leader2

Some of GDI’s most successful affiliates had slow starts, unsure of whether to stay with the program. Sticking with it allowed them to be more successful than they imagined, securing a spot on the Leader Boards again and again. So don’t be discouraged if that first sign up doesn’t happen right away. When it does happen, it’s time to celebrate and begin work for the next one!

New to GDI? Here’s What You Need to Know About the Learning Bonus

What is it?

The Learning Bonus is a $25 bonus that reward affiliates for learning more about GDI and completing some simple “get started” tasks.

How long do I have to complete it?

All new affiliates have 8 weeks from their signup date to complete all the tasks required to claim their $25 bonus. All tasks can be found in your Members Area under GDI Bonuses. You can also track your progress here.

Is it difficult?

No! The purpose of this bonus is to get you better acquainted with GDI and empower you to take control of your business. Tasks include things like setting up a .WS email address, which we promise is very easy!

Can I earn it more than once?

You cannot. However, you can benefit from your new downline members earning their Learning Bonus with the Duplication Bonus. All GDI affiliates are eligible for this bonus, no matter how long they’ve been an affiliate. Every directly referred new customer under you that gets paid their GDI Learning Bonus will count towards one check mark for your GDI Duplication Bonus. Ten check marks will earn you $250! This bonus is unlimited.

Five Questions

You just became an affiliate with GDI, now what? It’s time to ask yourself some serious questions. These five questions will help set you on the right track!

  1. What am I trying to accomplish? Why did you join GDI? To earn extra income? Utilize the domain? Addressing why you joined in the first place will help you to set goals and stay focused.
  2. How much time am I willing to give to build my team? Allocate set blocks of time to building your business. Whether it’s just a few hours a week or a few days make sure time is scheduled solely for GDI.
  3. How will I build my network? Who are going to reach out to? Will you use social media? Create a blog? Market offline? Create a plan of action to build your network.
  4. What will I use my domain for? GDI offers several options for your .WS domain. Learn more about them in your Members Area and get started.
  5. When will I know I have succeeded? In order to celebrate your successes, you need to know what they are. Set goals for WebSite hits, new teams members, and bonuses achieved. Celebrate each success and keep moving forward.

Now get started!