Category Archives: Advice

How to Respond to that “Pyramid” Question

Many of you are lucky enough to know Bart Dangerfield as that ever helpful voice from our webinars. To offer even more to our GDI users, Bart was kind enough to share some advice one a common question.

The misconceptions about our industry continue to baffle me. In a world that’s been trained to “trade time for money” with 9-5 jobs, sometimes it’s difficult to get someone to see the benefits of building cooperative teams.

A few years ago when I was in business school, I was given the assignment to make a presentation about a controversial subject and take questions at the end. The most controversial subject I could think of would be discussing the benefits of multi-level compensation, since there were all kinds of misconceptions in my class about what I did.

At the end of my presentation, one of my classmates, a very cynical engineer, asked, “Let’s be honest … isn’t this just a pyramid scheme?” Perhaps you’ve heard this objection or concern a time or two before. Perhaps you’d be interested in my answer!

I simply said, “It depends on what you mean by a ‘pyramid.’ If you’re referring to an illegal ponzi scheme, then the answer is ‘no’ since we offer a real product that delivers real value for the money paid.”

Then I smiled and explained, “But if you’re referring to the structure of the organization, then yes, we are a pyramid; with one guy at the top … like a CEO … and expanding levels of others underneath him. And those who get in early make the most money. Is this the kind of pyramid you’re talking about?”

My point? The only difference between a network marketing model and the standard corporate structure of any business today is that YOU are your own CEO. You start at the top and build down, helping others do the same.

Don’t ever forget, treat your business like a business (with you as CEO) and you’ll earn “business income.” Treat it like a hobby, and you’ll earn “hobby income.” The choice is yours!

How do you respond to questions  like these?

Interview with a Top GDI Affiliate Part II: Tim Sebert

Tim Sebert is another name you may recognize from our webinars, or just from frequently being on the GDI Leader Board. Tim and his wife Teresa are some of GDI’s top producers. We recently contacted them to get their story and also some tips and advice that have been keeping them successful with GDI for nearly 7 years. Read on for Tim and Teresa’s best advice.

If you could give just one piece of advice to affiliates looking to be as successful as you, what would it be?

Give GDI a minimum of one year to build and during that year, learn to “FOCUS” and “COMMIT” to building GDI, not a dozen other “deals!”

How have you worked to assist your downline?

I  make myself available by phone during my business hours that are provided to my Team.  I also believe in “Leading By Example” in which 80% of my time is used to help my Team while the other 20% is used to still recruit through the same tools that I make available to my Team. I show that it can be done; I don’t expect anyone to do what I can’t do!

GDI Tip: Don’t be shy about going to your upline for help; that’s what they are there for! You can see your 5-level upline at any time from within your account by clicking the “Upline” link in the left navigation bar. Do not be shy about contacting any or all of them by email or telephone. Also contact GDI Support at 1-760-602-3000 if you are still in need of assistance.

Now, it’s your turn. How do you help your downline? What is your one best piece of advice?

Interview with a Top GDI Affiliate: Tim Sebert

Tim Sebert is another name you may recognize from our webinars, or just from frequently being on the GDI Leader Board. Tim and his wife Teresa are some of GDI’s top producers. We recently contacted them to get their story and also some tips and advice that have been keeping them successful with GDI for nearly 7 years. Read on for Tim and Teresa’s story and stay tuned for our next post with some of Tim and Teresa’s best advice.

How did you get started with Global Domains International?

Teresa and I got started with GDI both “Dead Broke” and “out of necessity.” Dead broke in the fact that we were 4 months behind on our mortgage, 3 months behind on our car payment and we had over $200,000 in hospital bills due to the birth of our daughter 1 1/2 years prior to joining GDI. We had no health insurance and she was born with 3 holes in her heart and Down Syndrome! So you can say we had to find a business that would give us a chance to “dig out
of the mess we were in” It was pretty much the only company we found that was both “Global” and “affordable,” we actually had to borrow the $10 to get started and when we did, we new this would have to be our last beginning. Our daughter depended on it.

How has Global Domains International changed your day to day life?

We FINALLY own ourselves! We work when we want, we play when we want, we travel when we want to…No “BOSS” tells us anything! We are now growing together as a family instead of staying apart just to make ends meet!

When did the Global Domains International opportunity start to change you life and your income?

Because of the GDI BONUS contests, we were able to make enough money our first month to catch up all of our bills while building an incredible, life-changing Residual Monthly Income, one that “Goes” and “Grows” every month! So the weekly bonus income is that “bridge” income that takes care of today’s bills while the residual monthly income  builds our dreams and the future for our now 7 1/2 year old daughter, Bobbie.

Now it’s your turn. When and Why did you get started with GDI? What was your tipping point?