Tag Archives: marketing

Why Content is King

If you read this blog regularly, you know we’re always telling you about the importance of content marketingwithidea. Content marketing is a powerful way of marketing that engages the audience rather than feeling like a sales pitch. It’s no mistake that experts say “content is king.” If you still need more reasons to start content marketing read on.

Keep things new

Adding new content like video and blog posts keeps your website fresh. Visitors won’t be returning to the same boring static website, but instead returning to see what new content you’ve added that they might be interested in.

Keep people entertained

You’ve already got people returning to your site looking for new content, now your job is to keep them there. Create content you would be interested in yourself, whether it’s educational or anecdotal. Share content that will keep the audience engaged, not looking to click away in 20 seconds.

Change things up

There are so many ways to share content online. Try video, slide shows, photos, articles and more. Mixing up your content will keep your audience guessing and returning.

Build a relationship

Use you content to talk directly to your visitors. Based on comments they leave and the links they click, you should know what your visitors want, so give it to them. Take time to address common questions in your posts and respond to each comment on your content. People are more willing to do business with someone they already have a relationship with.

Convert visitors

Share some of your content in a way that converts visitors to leads. Do this by making some of your content gated. You can do this by having special reports or long articles that can only be accessed once a visitor submits an email address.  You now have a direct line to that visitor and they’re getting your premium content.  It’s win-win.

Use Social Media to Enhance Your Marketing

Social media has changed marketing as we know it. Here are a few ways to use it to enhance your current marketing efforts.

Find and Connect with the Right People

Building a network is crucial to growing your business, but building it with the right people is essential. While your first thought for building a network may be to cast a big net, this isn’t the best idea. Focus on what type of people you want in your network and search for them with social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

If you’re building a network to grow your business, consider what type of skills and work ethic you’re looking for. For example, someone who is social media savvy or has experience running their own business is a good choice for an affiliate marketing network. Next think if the keywords associated with these qualities and pop them into the search box on your social sites. Lastly, it’s time to send out the invitation to connect and build your network.

Utilize Social Bookmarking

Below each post on this blog there area a few counters and logos for sites. The Affiliate Blog uses the Share This tool to easily let any of our readers share our blog posts easily on Facebook, Twitter, through email or through social bookmarking sites like Pinterest. If you aren’t familiar with social bookmarking sites, they are a lot like their name implies. Social bookmarking sites allow you to create an account and profile so that you can favorite or bookmark any links you want, these favorite links then become part of the profile you have created with these sites, and people can browse your profile for links. Your favorite links are also shared in a feed for anyone one to stumble upon.

Pinterest is the current king of social bookmarking and has revolutionized how it works. Now you can browse images connected to links and repin and share them socially. This means you need to add relevant images to your site and blog if you want to use Pinterest to build traffic.

Build Your Online Reputation

Social media offers a chance to take the knowledge you know and share it in online spaces. Help others on Facebook and Twitter by answering their questions and connecting with them. Share helpful blog posts and respond to inquiries on our forum. People you connect with will trust you and regard you as a thought leader. Also, when people search your name or your team online, they will see how helpful you are, and how you standout above others with the help and support you offer.