Tag Archives: marketing

Ways to Market the Newest Replicated Site with William Shatner

GDI’s co-founders Michael Starr and Alan Ezier were recently interviewed by Doug Llewelyn and William Shatner for Moving America Forward. GDI’s co-founders also received the Keeping America Strong award for the work they’ve done with GDI. This interview is powerful and showcases GDI with some big names, making it a great marketing tool. The interview is now available on a Replicated Site in your Members Area, making it a simple marketing tool to get you sign ups. Here are three ways to promote site interview and your new Replicated Site.

GDI Founders

GDI co-founders Michael Starr and Alan Ezier showcase GDI in the video. These are the men behind GDI sharing their passion for it. This is a powerful way to market for anyone skeptical about GDI. Those people can learn about GDI from the co-founders own words.


GDI and its co-founders were given the Keeping America Strong award. This award was given to them for the work they are doing with GDI to Move America Forward especially in these tough times. This award shows interested people the strength of GDI.

Big Names

Moving America Forward is hosted by William Shatner who also takes the time to talk with GDI co-founder Michael Starr. You will also recognize Doug Llewelyn behind the desk from his years on People’s Court. These big names are a great way to get people interested in the video and drive them to learn more.

Four Free Marketing Strategies

Marketing is a key way to get others interesting and involved in your business. But how can you, just one person, market? Number one, GDI offers some great marketing tools like out 7 Minute Movie, Replicated Sites, Marketing Kit and Inviter. But you can also go beyond what GDI provides you with to create your own marketing strategies. Here are four easy and FREE ideas.

Successful Marketing: Understanding Your Product

marketingIf you’re an affiliate of GDI looking to earn income, chances are you will have to do a little marketing. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t have a background in marketing. You probably market yourself everyday, whether it’s for a raise at work, negotiating with a teacher or simply making plans with a busy person. You’re marketing yourself in each interaction. Part of the reason this is second nature is that you know a lot about yourself. So to make marketing a product easier, it makes sense to know all you can about it. Here are a few tips to learn your product inside and out and market it with ease.

What is it?

What exactly are you marketing? This may seem like a silly question, but do you know? Are you marketing the domain offering, the services that come with it, or the income opportunity? Or are you marketing all three? Take the time to learn abut GDI’s offerings and know them inside and out. The more you know about the products and services, the better you will be able to tailor your marketing pitch to each prospect. Start by watching our short Products and Services video to learn more.

What does it do?

So now you know exactly what GDI has to offer, but what can it do for someone? Get a deeper understanding of the products and services by brainstorming all the ways they can be utilized. The more ways you can think up to utilize GDI’s products and services, the more ways you can market them.

Who needs it?

Now that you’ve answered the first two questions, it’s time to think about your audience. Not just anyone, but your target audience. Who would benefit most from GDI? Who would work hardest to build their business? Identify your ideal audience then go find them! What kind of online behaviors do these people have? What sites are they most likely to visit? When you know who you’re marketing to, you can build more effective the messaging.