Interested in Affiliate Marketing?

Why did you consider affiliate marketing? To make money, right? Well there’s a lot more to it than that. Affiliate programs and affiliate marketing can help to give you freedom, extra income and a way to take ownership of your future. We break down three reasons affiliate marketing might be right for you.


Affiliate programs, especially those available online like GDI give you freedom that you just can’t get from your 9-5 job. Affiliate programs allow you to work and network at times that work for you. Whether you have a few extra hours a week or are looking to put full time effort into an affiliate program, you can find one that works for you. There also no set time frame that you must work on building your team. So even if you’re a night owl or a morning person, you will be able to connect with other affiliates like you and work on your own schedule.


If you’re saving for your future or just a rainy day, working to make extra money with an affiliate program can ideally help to provide some financial security. While there are no guarantees to how much money you will make with a program, hard work with the right affiliate opportunity offering can pay off. Building income with an affiliate program outside of your full time job can help to provide security and savings for the future.


While affiliate programs are part of a larger company, they allow you a unique opportunity at ownership of something. You decide how much money you make and how much to work with an affiliate program, essentially giving you ownership. Affiliate programs let you make the marketing decisions, hours and set the goals each day, week, month and year. Where else will you find freedom, security and ownership without a big investment?

To learn how to know which affiliate program is right for you, check out this post.

Did we miss a reason to try affiliate marketing? Leave it in the comments below!

Five Things Your WebSite Needs Right Now

  1. A Contact Form: A visitor to your site is great, but what you really want is the next step: contact! A contact form can provide with you leads, allow visitors to ask questions, and simply help you build your network.
  2. Call to Action: What is it you want visitors to your site to do? Watch a movie? Share a post? Leave a comment? Ask them! This is called the call to action. Figure out the purpose of your site then ask visitors to help you achieve it.
  3. Links to Social Media: Just like a contact form, these will help people connect with you and learn more. Some people may be too shy to send an email, but social networks provide the perfect opportunity to get connected and work on building your team.
  4. Your Opportunity: Whether you share the 7 Minute Movie or just a link to your sign up page, be sure to include an option for visitors to your website to join your GDI team.
  5. Conversation Starters: Don’t forget to provide site visitors with great information and education about you, your GDI team or your area of expertise. This information will help to start conversations and get visitors keep coming back to learn more.

Content Marketing for Affiliates

There are many ways to go the extra mile as a GDI affiliate and really build a thriving team. One great way to do so is content marketing. What is content marketing? Just what it sounds like: building content, whether is videos, blog posts or podcasts that can be share and marketed across the web.

No Expiration Date

Marketing can require you to strike while the iron is hot to reach the right people at the right time. While you can’t change this, you can change what you are using to market to people. Unlike one time offerings or deals, content marketing has no expiration date. Great content that is educational and informative can be shared over and over again while also having a permanent place on your website. Create great content by answering questions visitors may have or offering you unique perspective on GDI. Just be sure to avoid news topics and trends so that you can get the most mileage out of your content without it seeming out of date.

Create Conversations

While a catchy name for your blog or a fun tweet may catch the eye of a few followers, you want to go a step forward. Creating great content for that blog with the catchy name and adding a link to your content in that fun tweet will help to start conversations. When you share information in your content don’t forget to ask for input, comments and questions. This can keep the conversation going and get visitors to return to your site and stay interested.

Establishes You in a Community

When you share this great content you’ve created, it will help to establish you as a thought leader in your niche. Share content by helping others on Facebook and Twitter by answering their questions. People you connect with will trust your content and regard you as a thought leader. Also, when people search your name or your team online, they will see how helpful you are, and how you standout above others with the help and support you offer

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