Category Archives: Advice

Dealing with a Setback

Setbacks happen to all of us. You should know it’s not what happens to you, but how you deal with it. Here are a few tips to take charge after you’ve had a slow month or week.

Reset Your Focus

It may not seem like the perfect time for anything, but a setback is a great time to refocus. Examine your goals and focus on the steps you need to take and what you might need to change to achieve them. Also take the time to focus on and learn from what may have caused your setback. Were you very hands-off this month? Did you ignore your downline? Focus on what needs to be done to shake off the setback and move forward.

One Thing at a Time

While it may make sense to have your hands in a few different opportunities to see which one takes off, chances are, none will. To be successful you need to focus your efforts on building your business to just one business. Did you have a slow month because you were focused on starting another opportunity? It is important to truly work to build your business and not just sign up for opportunity after opportunity without really putting in the time needed to succeed.

Move Forward

Shake off the setback and move forward! Focus on the future, not that one bad month.

Two Tips to Build Your Network

Identify Your Potential Network

First, figure out where you want to focus your efforts…Then, create a list of contacts within those parameters…”

-Harvard Business Review

Building a network is crucial to growing your business, but building it with the right people is essential. While your first thought for building a network may be to cast a big net, this isn’t the best idea. Focus on what type of people you want in your network and to build your team with. Sure, your old neighbor might be an easy contact, but what do they have to offer you and your network?

If you’re building a network to grow your business, consider what type of skills and work ethic you’re looking for. For example, someone who is social media savvy or has experience running their own business is a good choice for an affiliate marketing network. As such, work on adding people to you network with those skills.

Identify How Can You Add Value

“Give to get—but really, give to give. It can pay off handsomely in the long run, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. Share an idea, lend a hand, or make an introduction that could be beneficial to another person. And watch what starts to happen.”


The first quote stresses on what qualities you want others to have and what they can give you. This point is the necessary companion to that. Identifying the people you want in your network is important, but how do you get them on board? You need to identify what you can offer others to incentivize them to connect with you and remember you. As stated above, what you offer can be as simple as an introduction or more involved like sharing a great idea. Think of what you can offer someone before you reach out to build that connection and you will have a conversation starter and a reason to stay top of mind.




Traditional Marketing Tips to Apply to Your Affiliate Program

Use Social Bookmarking Sites

As you may have noticed, beneath each post on this blog there area a few counters and logos for sites. The Affiliate Blog uses the Share This tool to easily let any of our readers share our blog posts easily on Facebook, Twitter, through email or through social bookmarking sites. If you aren’t familiar with social bookmarking sites, they are a lot like their name implies. Social bookmarking sites allow you to create an account and profile so that you can favorite or bookmark any links you want, these favorite links then become part of the profile you have created with these sites, and people can browse your profile for links. Your favorite links are also shared in a feed for anyone one to stumble upon. You can use social bookmarking sites to bookmark your own important blog posts and encourage your visitors to do so too. This is great for SEO and just sharing your site in every way possible.

Create Content Ahead of Time

As we’ve shared in past posts, a great way to increase SEO and your visitor base is to ensure you always have fresh content. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you visit your website and realize you need to update it and write something right NOW. But instead of getting in moments of panic, create content ahead of time and create a schedule. If you have WordPress you can even schedule your posts to be published on specific dates in the future. You site is going to look more viable when your content is new and relevant to your readers.

Explain Things Simply

The GDI opportunity may be simple to you, but remember that people visiting your site might not quite understand it yet and need a little guidance. This is where it is OK to be very simple and straight forward in your writing. Explain the GDI opportunity to your site visitors and why it is important to them. Be clear and concise to help answer some of their first questions. Bullet points, images and personal success stories can help to make your point as well. The better you explain the opportunity and benefits, the better chances you have to succeed with GDI.