Traditional WebSite vs. Simple WebSite

What do you think of when you hear “traditional website?” If you’re like most people, you imagine a website with several pages, photos, and information. To find more about the company behind the website, you search for an “about us” or “contact us” link, but that’s if you don’t get bored of lost first. Social media news blog, Mashable, recently discussed in this article the need for a website that is simple and gets to the point. Too often people visit websites that don’t give them any information or a call to action. As a result visitors don’t get the information they need and never return.

How do you create a stand alone site and avoid these problems? One: keep is simple. Two: be up front.

Keep It Simple

When someone visits your site, they should be able to easily navigate to what they need or find it when the first visit. To offer this, you need to keep your site simple. This means a clean easy to follow layout that shows visitors exactly what you have to offer. Your website can be just one page and achieve all of your goals.

Have your most relevant information on the front page of your site and a way for people to get in contact with you. Don’t send visitors searching all over your site to get in touch with you to learn more.

Be Up Front

What do you want to get from your visitors? Ask yourself this question then design your website around this. If you are aiming to build your affiliate network, write about this and what people can gain. Share videos explaining this and how people can get started. You need to think of your endgame to design your website and be honest about it. Leading people all over your site and not answering questions is a sure way to lose them.

Global Domains International: The Products

You know doubt know about the chance to build income for life with GDI, but do you know about our product offerings? GDI offers three products to its affiliates and you have the chance to take advantage of each one of them. Learn more about our products and share with your downline to help them make the most of their GDI membership.

LinkedInDomain.WS Domain
As you know, the .WS domain is affordable and works just like any other top level domain but did you know that WS allows you a chance at domain names you would otherwise be locked out of with .COM? Your .WS domain comes with instant activation, 20 sub domains, and options for parking and custom nameservers.

GDI also offers an optional domain privacy add-on for just $1 per month.  You can take advantage of URL forwarding to forward to any domain with the option for masked forwarding. Your .WS domain is search engine optimized (SEO) and is indexed by all major search engines.

If you site savvy and are interested in hosting, GDI can help with that. GDI offers a hosting package that comes complete with FTP access, 1GB of storage space, and 100GB monthly bandwidth. We boast 99% uptime with daily backups and 24/7 site monitoring so you can rest easy when hosting your domain with GDI.

LinkedInMailGDI Email
If you’re not using your GDI email, you should be! It’s a simple product that allows you to brand yourself and your domain. GDI’s email comes standard with 10 email addresses per domain and offers AJAX web interface as well as a mobile interface. GDI’s email also has cloud file editing and storage and personal spam control as well as POP3/IMAP support. Complete with tagging, conversations, and advanced search, your GDI Email is ready to become your go-to email service.


What’s your most used product? Tell us the comments!

Two Tips to Build Your Network

Identify Your Potential Network

First, figure out where you want to focus your efforts…Then, create a list of contacts within those parameters…”

-Harvard Business Review

Building a network is crucial to growing your business, but building it with the right people is essential. While your first thought for building a network may be to cast a big net, this isn’t the best idea. Focus on what type of people you want in your network and to build your team with. Sure, your old neighbor might be an easy contact, but what do they have to offer you and your network?

If you’re building a network to grow your business, consider what type of skills and work ethic you’re looking for. For example, someone who is social media savvy or has experience running their own business is a good choice for an affiliate marketing network. As such, work on adding people to you network with those skills.

Identify How Can You Add Value

“Give to get—but really, give to give. It can pay off handsomely in the long run, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. Share an idea, lend a hand, or make an introduction that could be beneficial to another person. And watch what starts to happen.”


The first quote stresses on what qualities you want others to have and what they can give you. This point is the necessary companion to that. Identifying the people you want in your network is important, but how do you get them on board? You need to identify what you can offer others to incentivize them to connect with you and remember you. As stated above, what you offer can be as simple as an introduction or more involved like sharing a great idea. Think of what you can offer someone before you reach out to build that connection and you will have a conversation starter and a reason to stay top of mind.




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