You Asked: The Product or the Opportunity?

A question we often hear at GDI is “What should I market, the product or the opportunity?” The short answer is that this is something you have to decide for yourself. But top help you decide we’ve included some tips below.

How well do you understand the product?

All of our members should understand the website hosting and email that GDI offers and better yet take advantage of it. But since we know this may not be the case for everyone, decide where you fall. Do you use a replicated site and have no interest in hosting? Well then you are someone who should be advertising the opportunity. It doesn’t make sense to try to explain and sell someone on something you aren’t using yourself.

If you are someone who takes advantage of GDI website hosting and know every in and out of the product, you are someone who should be selling the product. If you love the product people will be able to see that and want to get on board with it.

What kind of people do you work best with?

Do you work best with people who get really excited about a new idea or offering, or do you prefer to work with people who take a more analytical approach. A lot of this can be based on your own experience and is in no way a scientific fact, but try to take personality types into account when trying to get someone into your downline.

Someone who is very excitable and good at getting others excited, could be very good at selling the opportunity, and this is someone you may want to work with if you feel the same. Someone who takes a more calculated look at things may need a little more of a push could really benefit from being sold the product and explained the virtues of it in combination with the opportunity. Try to figure out the kind of people you want in your downline and it will help you decide what you should be selling.

What is your selling style?

Your selling style is a combination of the answers to the two questions. Try to mix your personality with what you know and you will be able to see what you are better at selling.

How about both?

You can follow the steps above to stick with selling either the product or the opportunity, or you could do both. Don’t limit yourself on only trying to sell one aspect of GDI, you have multiple selling points at your finger tips, so use this to your advantage. Get educated on the product, refine your pitch and decide what you want to sell on a person to person basis.

The Twitter Hashtag #: Get in on the conversation

If you’re new to Twitter you’ve probably seen a Twitter status or two that included something like #GDI. You may have wondered what the heck is going on. Well, we’re here not only to tell you about it (it’s called a hashtag), but how you can make the most out of it. Read on to start using the hashtag (#).

Share What’s on Your Mind

The hashtag is used as a way to announce to everyone what your post is about. If there is a hot topic or news story that you want to comment on, you can include a hashtag to declare your post topic. For example you could be sharing a story about the President and might end your post with the #obama hashtag. Once you include a hashtag, it will function on a sort of a link, if someone were to click on it, every other post on Twitter using that hashtag would come up in a new feed.

You can think of hashtags as a quick link to a feed on a topic, so that you or anyone else can follow a topic. You can also search for hashtags in the Twitter search bar, just search #obama and you would get the same feed results. If you keep this feed open it will continue to update with new posts. Following a hashtag is a great way to share your thoughts or see a live feed on a topic of your choosing. But you can also go one step further and be more interactive.

Get Involved in Live Events

Though it may seem just like an endless stream of chatter, Twitter can be a great interactive platform, and hashtags are one way to get in on the game. Twitter parties and live tweeting events are now happening frequently. A Twitter party or live tweeting event is usually a pre set event that allows anyone on Twitter to join in on the same conversation via a hashtag as the end of each post.

For example, a company may have a networking Twitter party where anyone who wants to get in on the conversation could end each post with #ABCIncParty. Following this tag as described above you can see everyone’s thoughts and comments and reply to them by posting a status with the designated party hashtag: #ABCIncParty. In the next new webinars, GDI will give you a chance to try this for yourself, you can use the #gdiwebinar hashtag during our live webinars to follow the topic live and chat with other affiliates on Twitter. So start interacting with those who hashtag about the things you want to talk about.

How to Use Video for Your GDI Business

A question many affiliate face is “Does GDI work?” Everyone has their different stories for how GDI has worked for them, but what better way to share this message than by showing your face and showing that you are a GDI success story? YouTube is a great way to do this and grow your business in a few other ways. Read on for how you can use YouTube with GDI.

What It’s Good For

YouTube is great for conveying your business statement and actions without lengthy written posts. YouTube can also literally show the face of your business. This gives your downline and any potential downlines an authentic feel and the ability to see who they work with or will be working with. YouTube videos do not have to be a huge production. Sharing the message of your GDI opportunity is as simple as talking about it with a few graphics or screen shots to keep viewers engaged. Also, be sure to keep your videos as short and to the point as possible!

How It’s Unique

NO WORDS! Blogs and articles are great, but some people just don’t have the time or desire to read, read, read! Since YouTube is an open platform, you also don’t have to be a professional director or editor for your work to fit in. YouTube videos are also extremely easy to share by grabbing the embed code of just sharing the direct link to the video. The embed code is an html code that allows you to embed or insert your video into anything that accepts html coding, an example of this is a WordPress post.

Ways to Use It

Use YouTube to educate your downline and those interested in the GDI opportunity. One idea is to have some of your successful downline or upline members share their stories on video and package it as an educational video that also shows social proof. You can share these video stories on YouTube and Facebook and anywhere you can embed video.

How You Can Get Started

Sign up! Simply go to and create an account. With an account you can not only upload your own videos but subscribe to different users’ videos, share videos, add friends and comment on videos. So get on YouTube and start creating social proof!

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