The Benefits of a Contact Form

We recently shared some tips on how to decide if you should be marketing the product or the opportunity. And while this decision is all your own (though we recommend marketing both), anyone using GDI in anyway can benefit from the use of a contact form. What do we mean by a contact form? Simple. Just any short form, like the example you see below that allows you to get information from someone visiting your site and learning about your GDI opportunity.


If you work hard to drive people to your site, share you links across social media and link to your GDI site often, people will be visiting your site to learn more. But what do you know about these people? Who are they? Analytics can tell you how many people are visiting your site, when and how they got there, but this doesn’t do you much good if you want to follow up with these people.

This is why you need to add a contact form to your website. It makes visiting your site and getting in contact with you much easier. A contact form will allow anyone interested in your GDI opportunity to leave their information and allow you to contact them and educate them on GDI and hopefully get them in your downline in the future. Having a contact form with a call to action to learn more is essential to getting information on those people who just aren’t sure if they are ready to sign up.

How to Use It

Like we mentioned above, have a call to action. A contact from is no good if you don’t tell people how to use it. A call to action like “Enter your name and email to learn more” is a simple and effective way to grab those people who may need a little more convincing. Be sure to ask for what info you need to contact these people, but do not over reach by asking for things like a home address or even a phone number. A valid email and name should be enough for you to contact someone and not so much information that it makes the uncomfortable. If you don’t alreayd use a contact form check out for an easy to use Contact Form plug in. You can also hear AGC member Brian Bear discuss contact forms in a recent webinar here: .

Contact forms also have the added benefit of making your website look more professional and trustworthy by showing that there is person behind it that they can get in touch with. So start using contact forms to get more information on your visitors and hopefully grow your business!

Do you use contact forms? What has been your experience?

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