March Team Bonus by the Numbers

Congratulations to each person who earned a piece of the Team Bonus last month! March 2014 was a great month and saw seven teams earn the Team Bonus! Here’s how all the numbers break down for February 2014.

Total Payout: $7,4375.00

Total Multipliers:  9.25

Number of Teams Awarded the Bonus: 7

Teams Who Won a Bonus: 21Millionaire, GDI Website Leaders, GDI Team 1, waline, Magyar Csapat, WS Profits, Red de Oportunidades

Biggest Team Payout: $3,375.00

Smallest Team Payout: $250.00

Team Size of Biggest Winner: 1,391

Number of Sign Ups:  225

                Qualified Team Members:  83

Team Size of Smallest Winner:  40

Number of Sign Ups:  85

                Qualified Team Members:  17

If you want to win the Team Bonus, get started now. April’s contest is in full swing. To learn more about getting started, read our post on it HERE.

What Are You Marketing?

marketingIf you’re an affiliate of GDI looking to earn income, chances are you will have to do a little marketing. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t have a background in marketing. You probably market yourself everyday, whether it’s for a raise at work, negotiating with a teacher or simply making plans with a busy person. You’re marketing yourself in each interaction. Part of the reason this is second nature is that you know a lot about yourself. So to make marketing a product easier, it makes sense to know all you can about it. Here are a few tips to learn your product inside and out and market it with ease.

What is it?

What exactly are you marketing? This may seem like a silly question, but do you know? Are you marketing the domain offering, the services that come with it, or the income opportunity? Or are you marketing all three? Take the time to learn abut GDI’s offerings and know them inside and out. The more you know about the products and services, the better you will be able to tailor your marketing pitch to each prospect. Start by watching our short Products and Services video to learn more.

What does it do?

So now you know exactly what GDI has to offer, but what can it do for someone? Get a deeper understanding of the products and services by brainstorming all the ways they can be utilized. The more ways you can think up to utilize GDI’s products and services, the more ways you can market them.

Who needs it?

Now that you’ve answered the first two questions, it’s time to think about your audience. Not just anyone, but your target audience. Who would benefit most from GDI? Who would work hardest to build their business? Identify your ideal audience then go find them! What kind of online behaviors do these people have? What sites are they most likely to visit? When you know who you’re marketing to, you can build more effective the messaging.

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