Category Archives: News

William Shatner Interviews GDI Co-Founders for Moving America Forward

GDI’s CEO Michael Starr and President Alan Ezier were on Moving America Forward with William Shatner recently. They were presented the Moving America Forward and had the chance to tell William Shatner and Doug Llewelyn (from “People’s Court”) what GDI and IDNs are all about. Watch the video below and chick here to see our newest replicated site. You can also set this page as your Replicated Site. Log into your Members Area and selected “William Shatner Interviews GDI” from the Replicated Sites to set it as your site.

What We’ve Added in 2013

We’ve added a lot in 2013 to our GDI Products and Services with even more to come. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new. Make sure you’re not missing out.

Expanded Weekly Superstars Bonus

We announced the changes to our longest running contest at the end of February. Affiliates are no longer required to purchase a DVD package or be an active Premium member to be eligible for the bonus. Now all active GDI affiliates will be eligible to win the bonus. Each and every active affiliate can now earn an unlimited number of $100 bonuses each week. Learn more about the rules of the contest here: Bonus Contest Details

Virtual ID Card

The Virtual ID card debuted just a few weeks ago and is already changing the way affiliates share information. The Virtual ID card shares information about your prospects want to know including your rank with GDI. Your Virtual ID card shows off your rank within GDI’s new ranking system. Ranks range from Bronze for those just getting started, all the way to Triple-Diamond, for our most elite Affiliates. Your new Virtual ID card is a simple tool to help show prospects how successful you are with GDI.

GDI Around the World           

Our newest and currently running contest started in April, but we’re still taking submissions! It’s easy to enter and easy to win. We want you to print out your .WS banner from your Marketing Kit and snap a picture of it in front of places all over the world. We want you to show off just how many places you can work to build your business from. The favorite photo stands to win $50! All you need to do is print out your banner from the Marketing Kit or create your own. Snap a picture of it in front of your favorite background and share with us on Pinterest for a chance to win. Full details can be found HERE.

Team Bonus

New for the first of the year, the Team Bonus has been earning our affiliates more money than ever before. The bonus rewards  a team of affiliates for the total number of signups they bring in during a set month. Each month teams are paid out a bonus of $250 per 25 signups with multipliers available based on number of people in a team, number and distribution of referrals, and Premium referrals. Each team member with a referral gets an equal share of the payout. . Full Team Bonus rules HERE.