Category Archives: News

Coming Soon: GDI Team Bonus

At GDI, we believe in rewarding you for your hard earned success. We do this in the way of commissions and payouts for our individual affiliates. But sometimes that success takes a whole team. That’s why we are happy to now offer a GDI Team Bonus. The bonus will reward a team of affiliates for the total number of signups they bring in during a set month. Each month teams are paid out a bonus of $250 per 25 signups with multipliers (up to triple!) available based on number of people in a team, number and distribution of referrals, and Premium referrals. Each team member with a referral gets an equal share of the payout.

You can multiply your earnings based on achieving certain combinations of converted signups throughout your team.  These multipliers can TRIPLE your earnings!

This bonus also gives you a chance to work with someone new or stick with team members you already know. That’s because you get to pick your own team. You can build a team yourself or join one someone else has created. Teams do not have to follow your current downline or upline.

An official announcement and full details of this new Team Bonus are coming soon. In the meantime, think about who you might like to have on your team. Best of luck!

Learning Bonus and Duplication Bonus Extended

Thanks to overwhelming customer support and feedback, GDI is now extending our Learning Bonus AND Duplication Bonus through all of 2013!

Learning Bonus

Great affiliate marketers are those who know their stuff, that’s why GDI is gives new affiliates the chance to earn a $25 bonus just for learning more about GDI and how it works. The GDI Learning Bonus is a $25 bonus that you work towards in steps. All you need to do is just set up email, send out a few invitations and a few more steps and EARN $25 as you LEARN!

Each step towards your $25 Learning Bonus can be found in your Members Area in the new GDI Bonuses section. Simply click on GDI Bonuses and select “Check My Learning Bonus Status.” Here you will see the steps you need to take to receive your bonus and how many you have completed so far. The steps are very easy, like setting up your email, so there is no reason not to start. GDI wants to reward you for getting to know us better, so take advantage of it and start working towards your Learning Bonus today.

Duplication Bonus

Whether you’re an established GDI affiliate or new GDI affiliate who just completed their Learning Bonus, GDI offers one more way for you to earn a HUGE bonus. It’s the GDI Duplication Bonus. Be a leader and teach 10 people to LEARN and you EARN $250 – that’s what all the new LEARNERS EARNED as a bonus to you!

The Duplication Bonus is designed to reward YOU for each new signup you have that completes their Learning Bonus. How it works is simple, once a sign up of yours completes their Learning Bonus, you will receive one checkmark towards your Duplication Bonus. Each signup that completes THEIR Learning Bonus earns YOU a checkmark. Once you have 10 checkmarks you will earn $250. The best part is that this bonus is UNLIMITED, you can earn $250 for every 10 directly referred signups who earn their GDI Learning Bonus.

For full Duplication Bonus details, log in to your Members Area