GDI FAQs and Answers

How do I contact my upline?

Having a responsive and helpful upline is an important part of being a successful GDI affiliate. This is important to remember as you build your downline as well, if you offer great support, you have more chance of a downline member sticking with you and GDI. To find out who your upline is and how to contact them, simply log into your members area. Once in the members area, head over to the left hand navigation and click on the “Upline” link. Here you will find your upline’s name and contact info, easy as that.

What is premium?

Premium is an upgrade option that GDI offers to all of its affiliates to allow for bigger pay outs, upgraded services and eligibility for multiple contests. Read complete details about our premium offering here.

What kind of site can I make?

You are free to make whatever type of site you would like. You can have an easy replicated site if you are just interested in the business opportunity, build out your own business opportunity site or create any type of site you would like. The possibilities are endless and if you would like to learn more about the tools we offer to help you do this, read more here.

When can I expect to make money?

We can’t offer a guarantee to when you will get that first pay check, but putting in hard work will help to get you there. Some of our top affiliates recently talked about how they started, when they first started to make great money with GDI and their tips for doing so. You can check out that video here.

2 thoughts on “GDI FAQs and Answers”

  1. So if i get premium, will i have to pay $40/month including my domain? so $40 per month for one domain with premium. or do i have to pay for my domain separately ($50/month)?

    1. Premium is an account upgrade so it is $40 regardless of how many domains you have with us. So yes, it would total out to be $50 per month for one domain.

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