What to Expect on Tuesday!

Our next webinar is on Tuesday February 14th at  1pm PST. If you haven’t registered yet you can do so here: www.register.gdiwebinars.ws You can also find out what time the webinar will be on in your time zone at that same link!

If you want to know more about duplication, building a clean site and how to use video to build your downline, you need to attend this webinar! We will also be sharing the best “get started” tips from top affiliates. Join us! Register: www.register.gdiwebinars.ws

Duplication to Build Your Team

Duplication is a great system to build your team quickly. You may be wondering what duplication is and ways to use it other than team building, you can find our first post on it here. Duplication is simply a way of creating a system of marketing, education and networking that can be easily repeated to add members to your downline, and allow them to use this same system to add members to their downline. Building an educated team is the best use of the duplication system.

Create Your Own System

This may sound overwhelming, but it’s not. As you already know, GDI provides you all the tools you need to market and does much of the work for you, but it’s up to you to put in the extra work and effort to ensure your business succeeds. This may be creating videos, offering help to members outside of your team and just acting as a thought leader in network marketing. Try all of these steps to build your credibility, but to also convert friends and prospects to team members. Once you have found a system that works to build your downline, simplify it.

Share Your System

Once you have simplified your system, create a document or even a website that shares how you have succeeded. Share this document or website with your team members, allowing them to capitalize on your success and build their downline, in turn helping you. Their downline will learn the tricks of the trade and before you know it, you’re practicing duplication and your downline is growing thanks to your system and your team.

Tips for a “Clean” .ws Site

Chances are you’ve got a lot to share on your website and the site tools and hosting that GDI offers you can do just that. But it’s easy to get so carried away with banners, text, and images that people visiting your site don’t know where to look or even what you’re offering. A site with a clean design and a clear message is best for converting visitors into customers, team members or just repeat traffic.

Avoid Competing Images and Text

Decide what you want your site visitors to focus and make that the center of your page. If you want to share video or a blog post, make that the center or close to center of your page. Then add in thing like banners, contact information and other links in smaller areas on your page. When there is too much competing content and images it’s easy for everything to get lost in the chaos.

Take Advantage of Pages

GDI’s SiteBuilder and our WordPress plugin make it easy for you to create and manage multiple pages. If you have a lot of information to share and can easily group it, pages are the way to go to make for a clean site. Pages can include testimonials, about, contact, videos and education. Multiple pages with great content also help to add credibility to your web page.

Stick to a Theme

SiteBuilder and WordPress offer some great themes that are customizable while creating a consistent look across your website. Choose a theme and stick to it across all of your pages. Themes are often designed to present a clean and professional website look so you can skip the extra work and work on creating great content. WordPress and SiteBuilder also allow you to customize themes as needed to make sure your site needs are met and presented in the best way possible, just don’t get carried away with too many widgets!

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