How do I make money?
GDI is an affiliate marketing program and you make income with GDI from referring other people to the affiliate opportunity, domain, and services. As a basic affiliate, GDI will pay you out $1 per month on each domain you help people register five levels down. We pay this out to you regardless if the people you sign up take advantage of the affiliate opportunity of just the domain. When someone you register does take advantage of the affiliate opportunity, not only will you get paid a dollar for the domains you helped register, but also for the domains they helped register, five levels down.
I am not internet savvy, how do I build a website?
If your .ws site is your first ever website, try using our SiteBuilder. The GDI SiteBuilder has some very easy to use templates to get you started. SiteBuilder templates allow you to personalize them in a number of ways allowing you to add photos, contact forms and more. For a basic website or your very first site, SiteBuilder is the perfect choice.
Watch our tutorial and get started.
None of my friends or family want to join. What do I do now?
You need to step a bit out of your comfort zone to build new networks and get connected with others. Reach out to old coworkers, local small business owners and entrepreneurs. They might be interested in GDI and they might put you in contact with people in their network. Don’t leave GDI just because mom and dad don’t want to sign up, branch out and tap into huge numbers of people.