Category Archives: Beginners

Your Top Webinar Question from March 27

Q: What is the number one mistake new affiliates make?

A: When we asked our experienced and successful affiliates, Brian Bear and Tissa Godavitarne what their answer was, they agreed that “giving up,” was at the top of the list. What they meant is that too often people do not give their GDI opportunity enough time to be successful before walking away.

Brian Bear commented that many of the people who are most successful with GDI are those who get a few signs ups within the first few weeks. This is not because of the quick success, but because of the incentive to stick with it that these people get by being successful right away. People who see the promise quickly often stay and get even more successful, but those who don’t stick with it tend to walk away before even giving the program a chance.

So simply, stick with it and work hard. Think of GDI like any other business or job. You wouldn’t walk away from a new job if you hadn’t been promoted within the first few weeks, so don’t walk away from GDI. Put in the time and you will see results from your hard work.

Three Beginner Mistakes

We want all of our affiliates to be successful with GDI, but like beginners to any business, mistakes will be made, slowing down success. Below you’ll find three common beginner mistakes and how you can fix them and be on your path to Income for Life.

Failure to Follow Up

Mistake: People you send your site to aren’t signing up and you’re just letting them go.

Solution: Sending the email sharing your site is not the first and the last step you take to sign up new team members. You need to follow up with each and every person you reach out to. First, simply ask if they did get to see your site. If not, ask them why. If someone did visit the site, find out why they are hesitant to join and try to fix that. Follow up, ask questions, and address issues.

Network marketing is about building that network, and to do so, you must follow up and not let people slip through your fingers.

Failure to Set Goals

Mistake: You hope to make money with GDI, but haven’t set any goals beyond that.

Solution: Set beginner goals, achievable goals and reach goals. Keep assessing and moving your goals. If you do not set goals, how can you be sure when you have been successful? As you just start out, set attainable goals and be sure to check them off as you reach them. As you get more familiar with GDI, keep pushing those goals further while still remembering all you have accomplished before.

Working from home is a great goal for network marketing and GDI, but be sure to set smaller goals to help you get there.

Failure to Reach Out

Mistake: You’re lost and don’t know where to start.

Solution: Reach out to your upline. GDI offers many resources for your questions including our support team, social media sites, and forums, but your upline should be your first life line. Your upline has more experience in GDI than you and can answer your questions. Reach out to them when you’re just starting out for advice and help, after all, they brought you onto GDI, it’s their duty to help you.

Network marketing success is based in your team and your network, so reach out to them!

What mistakes have you made building your business? How did you right them?

How to Build a Following on Twitter

Affiliate and network marketers have a great presence on Twitter. Affiliate marketing is a great match for social media and Twitter is no exception. If you haven’t gotten started with Twitter just yet, sign up and get connected with other marketers. Once you’re on Twitter, it’s time to get in the conversation and start building up a following to share your ideas and business with. Build your following with our tips.

Retweet Great Posts

The first step is to follow people you find interesting, admire, or just want to learn more from and then retweet their posts! Retweeting is great because it shares great info, gives the original poster credit and creates a sort of introduction. If someone is using a listening software like Tweetdeck, or they take the time to look in their Twitter account under “You tweets retweeted” they will see you shared their post and most likely tweet back to you and then follow you.

Ask Questions

Ask your followers questions to get them to interact with you. You will get feedback and an added bonus of exposure. When someone tweets back to you, it will show up in their timeline, so that their followers see that they are in a conversation with you. With any luck, their followers may check you out and follow you too if they are inline with your ideas and message.

Tweet Trending Topics

Tweeting trending topics is another way to get in on the conversation. Trending topics are those words and phrases you see on the left hand side of your Twitter homepage “trending topics.” Find a way to work some of these phrases into your tweets, so whenever anyone clicks on the keyword or phrase in the trending topics list, there is a chance your tweets will come up, allowing for more exposure for your account.

Share Great Media

Don’t just share tweets, but share media. This means upload photos of your business, screenshots of things you are working on and video. Reward people following you on Twitter with an inside look. You want to offer people something a little more for taking the time to follow you, so photos and even short videos are a great way to do this.

Create and Share Content

Lastly, let the Twitterverse know every time you’ve shared a blog or updated your site. Having a link in a Twitter update is always a great idea and gives people a call to action.