Category Archives: Advice

Content Marketing: Clickworthy Headlines

newsIf you were on Facebook this week, chances are you saw a blog post titled “Marriage Isn’t for You” being shared around. This article had an attention grabbing title and a relatable topic causing many people to click. If you did click, you found out that the headline is a bit misleading. It wasn’t an article about someone’s choice not to marry, but rather why they believe marriage is about the other person. The author didn’t do this on accident. He knew an essential aspect of getting your content read and shared is how you title and share it and he knew just how to do it. While GDI has nothing to do with marriage, this post is a great example to learn from.  Here are a few more ways to title your content to get seen and get shared.

Mislead (just a little). The example above insinuates a scandalous topic, but the article is really about just the opposite. Find a clever way to announce your post or site that grabs people’s attention, even if your content takes a different approach than the headline.

Highlight a bad review. Ever get a bad review or comment you think was unfair? Share it. People are dying to know who said what about whom, so share it. Address the issue in your content but use the bad review to lead people in.

Tease. If you know you’ve got a great post on your hands, save it for a few days. Tease social media with info about your upcoming post or WebSite creating buzz for when it finally goes live.

Make a promise. It doesn’t have to be a money backed guarantee but something like “We promise you’ll learn something new on our site” is enough to drag some people in. Get creative and share.


Harnessing Trends: Working from Home

downlineA recent study found that more and more Americans are working from home. Currently, around 3 million people in the US alone are working from home, not counting the millions more around the world doing the same. With so many people comfortable working from home, it’s a great time to build and grow your online business. But how exactly do you take advantage of this trend to grow your downline and your business? First you need to identify people within your network who are working from home. This can be easy to do using search features in LinkedIn and Facebook. Next, connect with these people and share the benefits of an online business in addition to working from home. Here’s a few ideas to do this:

  1. No commute time. Working from home means no commute and no waiting in traffic, which can add hours to the day. Those hours one would spend commuting can now be spent building your business. A few hours a day is all it takes to start building Income for Life. Share with prospective downline members that extra time can mean extra income.
  2. A connected lifestyle. When working from home, one is always connected whether it’s through laptop or smart phone. People get used to doing much of their fulltime work, shopping, scheduling and leisure time online. Harness this connectivity. Tell prospects who work online all day to take their lunch break to learn more about GDI. Once they’re interested, that lunch break and a few hours before or after their telecommuting job is all the time they need to start building their own business.
  3. Open to opportunities. Some people work from home in a traditional 9-5 job where they telecommute, while others piece together freelance work, contract work and more. Identify the second group of people within your network. Chances are they could use extra income and are open to new opportunities in their down time. Explain how GDI can create residual income to keep them building their own business even when they’re between projects.

Basic SEO Tips for Your WebSite

seo2Website Design

Your website design is important for search engines to be able to find you. Flash only webpages do not rank well in search engines as they can’t tell what your text is. Your site should have a good balance of keyworded text and images as well as all the content you want to share.

Fresh Content

Try to change your content every now and then. Sites that are updated often tend to rank higher in search engine results. This can be as simple as a weekly update on your news or adding timely material that you know needs to be changed out—like a short lived contest or discount. This way you will have hold yourself accountable for updating content and removing dated material.


Links are an extremely important part of SEO and specifically backlinks. An easy way to add backlinks without the help of other sites is to link back to your own content. For example, if it is a blog post and you are referencing a past post, put that link in.

Links back to your blog rank especially high if they are coming from outside pages. So connect up with other affiliates and marketers and share links. Submit content to other websites and request they link back to you if they use it. These are all super simple ways to get your page rank higher in search engines, while simultaneously advertising your site and opportunity.


If you don’t have the skills or time to update your main website content every so often, consider adding a blog to your site. As you can see HERE getting started with your own WordPress blog is easy, and posting is even easier. Take the time to write a quick update and post it to your blog, search engines will see this is part of your website and that it is being updated frequently, ranking it higher.


If you use photos on your blog—add captions. This is a simple trick to allow more keywords on your site. Label captions as what they are but use careful consideration or the keywords you want people to hit your site with. You can caption an image of GDIs top tools like Inviter as “Use the tools shown above to be a successful network marketer.” This uses the keyword “network marketer” and explains what your image is a the same time giving you better SEO.