Tag Archives: commision

What Are IDNs? Why Are They A Good Investment?


There’s a lot of technical talk about what Internationalized Domains Names are and exactly how they work. This can be confusing because IDNs are unlike anything before. But there are a few simple ways to understand IDNs and why they are so important and valuable. Simply put, an internationalized domain name (IDN) is an internet domain name that contains characters outside of the English alphabet, for example from languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and many others.

A traditional domain: website.ws
A Chinese based IDN: 网页.ws

IDNs are so important and valuable because they are creating an opportunity for everyone in the world, regardless of language or location, to be able to access the Internet in their native language.


Now that you understand exactly what IDNs are, it’s important to know how you will be able to make money from them. IDNs offer several ways to earn money and grow your business. The first method is very similar to how you earn money through our Basic and Premium Packages. Whenever somebody in your downline purchases an IDN, you earn 10% of that purchase over five levels.


Within the next phase of IDNs coming soon, you will be able to auction your IDNs and sell to the highest bidder to turn a profit. Domain auctions happen all the time, and auction sites that facilitate the transactions follow the same standard: when a domain investor sells their domain to the highest bidder, the auction site retains an industry standard fee of 10% of the gross sale of the domain. But with GDI, you will earn more. GDI will retain the same 10%, but we want to share it with you and your network. GDI will only keep 5% of this 10%.  The remaining 5% will be distributed as commissions to the five upline affiliates of the IDN owner in the amount of 1% each.

Your Current Members Area

When you purchase an IDN it will appear in your member’s area, so there is no need to create a new account to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Be sure you are qualified to buy and get ready for the debut of GDI IDNs June 28th at 6pm PST.