Category Archives: News

New Webinar Series

Join us for our NEW Webinar Series for 2012. Like our past webinars, they will be held bi-weekly on Tuesday’s at 1pm PST (4pm EST). Our new series will work to cover new trends in network marketing as well as advice and provide great dialogue from top affiliates who share their own advice and opions earned from years of experience and success with GDI. To attend these webinars you must register here: . If you were registered for our 2011 Webinar Series you must re-register at this same link:

Leave your ideas for topics you want covered in the webinars in the comments. Hope to see you there at our next webinar on Tuesday, January 17th at 1pm PST! Check out for the time of the webinar in your area!

What You Missed!

We hold webinars every other week on Tuesday at 1pm PST and all our invited. If you haven’t made it to a webinar yet, here’s what you missed out on this week:

Tips for Beginners: Need to know how to set up your email, how to get in contact with your upline or what kind of storage we offer? We talked about it!

You Online Reputation: How you present yourself online can make or break you! Experienced successful affiliates shared their top tips for protecting and growing your reputation online!

Exactly How Many Products Does GDI Offer? It’s more than you think! We discussed the benefits of GDI products and some of the many ways you can market them.

So, don’t miss out on great information like this again! Join us on Tuesday, November 22 at 1pm PST. We’ll discuss expert tips, creating your own marketing videos and focus tips. Hope to see you there. Register here:

Live GDI Twitter Chats Coming Soon!

We are happy to announce our first ever Live Twitter Chat for Global Domains International affiliates and potential affiliates using the hashtag #GDIChat. These chats are designed to be a question and answer format along with sharing relevant info you need to know and moderating chats all in 140 characters or less! They are going to be happening every other Wednesdays at 4pm, with the first chat being on Wednesday, October 5th at 4pm PDT!


A Live Twitter Chat is just what it sounds like. We encourage all interested to log into their Twitter accounts at 4pm every other Wednesday to have a chat with GDI corporate to ask questions, connect with other affiliates and learn from our GDI tweets! To participate, simply search for and follow the hashtag #GDIchat, and you will be able to see all updates and questions from anyone using that hashtag. This way you can see the questions being asked, answers and just who else is interested in GDI.

Who Can Attend

Anyone can attend but we highly recommend the chat for new members or anyone interested in getting started with GDI. So be sure your new downline members get on Twitter and are ready for the chat.

How to Participate

Bring your questions! Log into Twitter at 4pm PDT on Wednesday October 5th and search for or follow #GDIchat. You will then be able to see all the talk going on between GDI corporate and anyone attending the chat. To ask a question or make a statement simple tweet what you want to say ending in #GDIchat and everyone involved will be able to see what you have to say and offer answers on comments.