Category Archives: Bonuses

The GDI Team Bonus: Get Started

Have you learned more about the new Team Bonus and are ready to join? Great! This post will walk you through joining an existing team or creating one of your own. Please let us know in the comments if you have any questions or contact our wonderful Support Team at anytime or 760-602-3000 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm PST.


To get started, login to your Members Area and navigate to GDI Bonuses on the left hand side. Now select the Team Bonus Information link. Now you’re ready to find and join a team or create your own.

Joining a Team

Chose the option to find and join a team if you would like to be part of a team that someone else has created and is the leader of. Joining a team is easy. If you know the team name you can search for it in the available search box or browse for it in the list of teams. If you aren’t sure which team you wish to join, you can simply browse all of the open teams listed.

JoinTeamOnce you have found the team you wish to be part of, select Join. A confirmation window will pop up after you do this to make sure this is the team you would like to join. When you click on Join Team a notice will be sent to that team’s leader letting them know you wish to join. The team leader then has to option to approve or refuse your request. Any requests that do not receive a response within 5 days will result in the request automatically being approved. After you’ve joined you team, you can now see team information and progress towards the bonus when you are in the Team Bonus Information area.

Creating Your Own Team

Creating your own team is just as easy as joining a team. Follow the same steps above to get to the Team Bonus Information area. Select Create Team to get started. A pop up will appear and ask you to enter the team name of your choice and your language. By clicking Create Team after you enter this information you will be starting your team with you as the leader. Your team is active immediately. You can now see your team information and progress in the Team Bonus Information.CreateTeam

You have the option to close or leave your team. Closing your team means closing it off to new requests to join. Your team will still exist, but no other members will be able to join. Leaving your team mean no longer be a part of it. Your team will still exist but you will no longer be the leader. Requests to leave a team will be processed by the beginning of the next month, allowing you to join a new team if you wish.

7 Great Benefits of the Team Bonus

The new GDI Team Bonus has many great benefits. Here is a list of our favorites.

Work with anyone you’d like. Teams are not limited to your upline/down. You can work with any other GDI affiliate.

  • Join a team or build your own. You have the option of creating your own team and joining one that someone else has created.
  • Each team can win. Teams are not in direct competition with each other, except to see who can place highest on the leaderboards.
  • Flexibility. You can change teams. You can submit a team change request whenever you want, but it will not take effect until the end of the month.
  • Multiple bonuses. You can earn your team bonus while working towards our ongoing weekly bonus contest.
  • This contest is monthly. Have a bad month? You can still win the next month!
  • Multipliers. Your base team bonus can be multiplied up to 3 times dependant on team status.


Full rules can be found here:

NEW GDI Team Bonus: The Multipliers

The GDI Team Bonus is a new and different way to win a bonus GDI. Better yet, you’re not working towards this bonus alone. The bonus will reward a team of affiliates for the total number of signups they bring in during a set month. Each month teams are paid out a bonus of $250 per 25 signups with multipliers available based on number of people in a team, number and distribution of referrals, and Premium referrals. Each team member with a referral gets an equal share of the payout.

So just what are these multipliers that can make for big, big payouts? They are based on number of people in a team, number and distribution of referrals, and Premium referrals. Each team member with a converted referral gets an equal share of the payout.

Each team is assigned a status according to the multiplier table below. This status can change throughout the month as a team grows and as the number of Basic and Premium converted signups grows. The multiplier is reset each month.

Team Multiplier Table

Bronze Team (1x, standard base multiplier):

  • At least 5 people on team
  • At least 1 converted signup for 5 different people on team

Silver Team (1.25x multiplier):

  • At least 5 people on team
  • At least 1 converted signup for 5 different people on team
  • At least 5 of the team’s converted signups for the month must be PREMIUM

Gold Team (1.5x multiplier):

  • At least 10 people on team
  • At least 2 converted signups for 10 different people on team

Platinum Team (1.75x multiplier):

  • At least 10 people on team
  • At least 2 converted signups for 10 different people on team
  • At least 10 of the team’s converted signups for the month must be PREMIUM

Double Diamond Team (2x multiplier):

  • At least 25 people on team
  • At least 3 converted signups for 25 different people on team

Triple Diamond Team (3x multiplier):

  • At least 25 people on team
  • At least 3 converted signups for 25 different people on team
  • At least 25 of the team’s converted signups for the month must be PREMIUM

Full Rules: