7 Great Benefits of the Team Bonus

The new GDI Team Bonus has many great benefits. Here is a list of our favorites.

Work with anyone you’d like. Teams are not limited to your upline/down. You can work with any other GDI affiliate.

  • Join a team or build your own. You have the option of creating your own team and joining one that someone else has created.
  • Each team can win. Teams are not in direct competition with each other, except to see who can place highest on the leaderboards.
  • Flexibility. You can change teams. You can submit a team change request whenever you want, but it will not take effect until the end of the month.
  • Multiple bonuses. You can earn your team bonus while working towards our ongoing weekly bonus contest.
  • This contest is monthly. Have a bad month? You can still win the next month!
  • Multipliers. Your base team bonus can be multiplied up to 3 times dependant on team status.


Full rules can be found here: https://www.website.ws/kvmlm2/contests.dhtml?language=english#team-bonus

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