Vote for the favorite entry. The top TWO tips with the most voted will win $100 each. Click here for full contest rules.
GDI Big Tippers First Entry Period -- Choose Your Favorite Tip!
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Some pieces of advice have been shortened. To read the full submission, click Continue Reading
1. Customize your own squeeze pages with the gdi opt-in box, then post help wanted flyers locally and online. Watch your leads grow. – Andrew Willigar
2. I like Tissa Godavitarne ‘s ACME People search to add value to my Blog. – Michael Dawson
3. Have a product or service around which you can build a GDI business. For example, I’ve just launched a “Your Career Portfolio” project to encourage job seekers to create a portfolio using GDI. See details here: – Robin Henry
4. Heart of the GDI. For me is give sincerity to those interested from the first come. By not over-exaggerate. Becuase,system’s GDI can work, can make money and can preview commission clearly. If you do not believe so. When he was your downline if you do not care. Or going with him in the first place. He may not be with us for a time. The truth lies beyond. Or introduce to work in the wrong way. We will become affected to your self, to other, and to business. – Koryah Grass
5. My simple advice is when sharing about the opportunity in GDI, we should also include the things we can do with the product, our website. We as an affiliate know the importance of having a website but there are still a lot of people do not know about it. Many of us even some of GDI affiliates overlook other opportunities we can get from having a website. Aside from the opportunity we get from being a GDI affiliate, we should also share what we have done and accomplished with the product.- Aaron Mecua
6. My tip Advertise anyway possible ie: newspaper, social network, or even telling your friends threw text message and getting them to spread the word etc.- Robert Alvarez
7. What I did was make another site as a help site explaining more about GDI. – Juan
8. Here’s a tip; I use these realistic dollar drop cards as a conversation piece and as a way to prospect for new leads. They look great and people pick them up! – Rob Dawson
9. Lo que me encanta hacer y me dá resultado es que cuando noto que alguno de mis dowline esta comprometido seriamente con el negocio, simplemente redirijo mi dirección web hacia la de él.De esta manera lo ayudo, se motiva mas, y es mas probable tener éxito en este negocio y desde luego que también me conviene. – Carlos Damián Villa
10. One of the best ways to expand your warm market is to sign up and go to meetings that are network market friendly or that are organized around something you are interested through I don’t recommend just going and blindly handing out DVDs or being a pest but attend these meetings and make new friends. Then ask permission to make a business presentation. I like to make new friends and acquaintances through and when it is appropriate to do so invite my prospect to join me at a local Starbucks for a business presentation. I then show them one of our presentations through my portable computer (almost all Starbucks are free hotspots now) and then discuss their goals and then explore ways of how GDI can fit within their goals.
The great part is that is free. And as I mentioned before there are many network market friendly meetings. But I wouldn’t shy away from going to other meetings that reflect an interest you have as this is a relationship business. And nothing reflects an authentic relationship better than a shared interest. That’s my tip. It’s free and its fun and it can help you not only expand your business but improve your social life as well.- John Moody
11. Share this: 1) What inspires you? Images and music speak better than a million words: – Ricardo Elias Posadas Cuyubamba
12. My big tip: As an Affiliate Marketer making money is the key to success and saving money is just as important. I make everywhere i go TAX deductible. I went to Vista Print and ordered Tee Shirts to match my business cards. I am my own walking billboard. Since i am wearing my business card and advertising, I make everywhere I go a business trip. This helps grow my business and saves me money at the end of the year. I give my waiter/waitress a business card so my meal is a tax write-off. I also had a bumper sticker made at Vista Print for my car, so now everything about my car is a business write-off. Big Win Win Make and save money at the same time. (Every GDI affiliates tax situation is different. Please consult a tax professional before considering any tax write offs) – Colleen Rowe**
(** tax information is different for each affiliate, please consult a tax expert before taking action)
13. Intanto invito le persone a vedere il mio sito, poi le incontro di persona o faccio qualche video chiamata con facebook o skipe spiego un pò tutto… e poi in caso sempre in video chiamata li aiuto ad iscriversi! – Alberto
14. La mejor forma de traer clientes para iniciar con gdi es invirtiendo en facebook. Por medio de publicidad en pagos por Clic. Agregar una fotografía en la pagina web de inicio, para dar credibilidad al negocio de web site. – Luis
15.Creo que la mejor forma de duplicar afiliados es conseguir correos electronicos. Como ?
Todos los medios de comunicacion posibles, incluyendo las redes sociales. Una vez que ya tengas el correo, que has despertado un minimo de interes le envias toda la informacion, incluyendo el video en el idioma correspondiente. Internet es el progreso, pero hay mucha informacion. Para conseguir un cliente activo considero que es importante que este receptivo, y se consigue respetando los pasos. – Roxana
16. When looking for new domain name to register. Choose something close to the search related keyword. You can find rich keywords for domains. I do this when, I register my GDI domain name. It will help your site on search engines. – Travis Alexander
17. Showing these samples may count as a tip. EVERY affiliate, after all, can use these materials now. I didn’t even include the table tent, brochure, and windshield flyer. -Keith Bless
18. I would say my tip would have to be having more links to the members area homepage on pages like this. – Nick Kolakowski
19. Yo con GDI ademas de Tener un Negocio Que me dará Ingresos de Por Vida puedo a la vez tener mi empresa en linea, enseñar a mis afiliados, enseñar acerca de la industria difundir una labor social por todo el mundo y empezar a luchar por una causa todo esto lo puedo hacer y lo puedes hacer sin moverte de casa y con la oportunidad que GDI nos brinda con sus fantasticos productos. Asi que aprovechen todas esas páginas web, correos electrónicos y los muchos beneficios que tenemos…No he visto mejor empresa que Global Domains International. –Angela Maria Vargas
If you submitted multiple tips, your second tip will be entered in the next submission period. If you submitted a tip but do not see it, it did not meet the contest requirements. You may submit again for the next period.
La mejor forma de conseguir prospectos es la publicidad pagada, como es Adwords. Solo que han cambiado la pulitica y no permiten anunciar a GDI
El entusiamo, la paciencia y el esfuerzo son claves para el éxito. La publicidad y el envío de email son herramientas que sin lo anteriormente expuesto no dan resultados.
Congratulation to whom ever may win, nice advice and tip ^_^
I’m koryah grass, thank you for Tripper the first session, What should I do?
Congrats, Koryah! Please contact or 760-602-3000 to claim your prize.
I hope my son Michael Dawson wins!!!