Have you learned some great advice in your time as an affiliate? Do you have a favorite website that encourages you each day? Know of a service that could make things easier for affiliates?
Share with us and you could win $100! Just share your favorite tip or piece of advice for GDI’s affiliates and you’ll be up for a chance to win $100. Once you share, your piece of advice will be up for a vote. The advice with the most number of votes will win $100!
The contest will take place in November and December with 6 chances to win. Head to the blog for full contest rules, deadlines, and details.
How It Works: Affiliates share their tips on Facebook and Twitter. Tips can be submitted during a set period and then will be up for a vote. The top voted piece of advice will win that affiliate $100.
How You Win: We will compile all submissions over each two week period and share them in a poll format through our Facebook page. Visitors to the Facebook page can vote for their favorite piece of advice by clicking the button next to it. At the end of the period cash prizes will be awarded to the top pieces of advice voted on by Facebook fans.
The prizes will be as follows:
November: There will be two chances to enter and four chances to win in November. You may share your advice and tips from November 1st-10th and November 16th-26th. Voting will take place on November 11th-15th for the first period and November 27th -30th for the second period. The top two winners from each period will be awarded $100 each. We will let affiliates and fans know via Facebook and Twitter when submissions are over and voting will begin.
Submit: November 1st-10th AND November 16th-26th
Vote: November 11th-15th AND November 27th-30th
December: There will be two chances to enter and win in December. You may share your advice and tips from December 1st-10th and December 16th-26th. Voting for the first period will be December 11th-15th and voting for second period will be 27th-31st. The single winner from each period will be awarded $100 each. We will let affiliates and fans know via Facebook and Twitter when submissions are over and voting will begin.
Submit: December 1st-10th AND December 16th-26th**
Vote: December 11th-15th AND December 27th-31st**
**Due to the busyness of the holidays, we are extending our entry period for the final Big Tippers contest. We will be accepting entries until January 1st and voting will run January 2nd-6th. Good luck!
- Advice and tips can be submitted via Facebook and Twitter.
- Voting will be based on Facebook polling. All pieces of advice will be shared and attributed, fans can then vote for their favorite.
- Tips cannot promote one person, team, or system over another. Tips can be for other helpful websites, but not other affiliate programs. Tips may not require affiliates to pay a fee to obtain the benefit.
- GDI must approve all tips and reserves the right to refuse a tip for any reason.
- Example of an acceptable tip: “When I hear of a friend recently out of work I reach out the them” or “I use lists in Facebook to sort all the pages that share information helpful to my business” or “I joined my town’s entrepreneurs club”
- Entries must come from current GDI affiliates in good standing.
Get started today by sharing advice in a post on Facebook or on Twitter. Let us know it is advice or a tip to be entered!
This is very encouraging.
Here’s a tip; I use these realistic dollar drop cards as a conversation piece and as a way to prospect for new leads. http://www.realisticdropcard.com/?o=hvrOMYCk They look great and people pick them up!
Thanks for the tip, Rob!
Best of luck, Tassel!
This looks very cool.
What i did was make another site as a help site explaining more about GDI.
Thanks, Juan. We recorded your tip!
Lo que me encanta hacer y me dá resultado es que cuando noto que alguno de mis dowline esta comprometido seriamente con el negocio, simplemente redirijo mi dirección web hacia la de él.
De esta manera lo ayudo, se motiva mas, y es mas probable tener éxito en este negocio y desde luego que también me conviene.
Gran consejo. Gracias por compartir y participar!
obrigado gi por mais essa informaçao belissima que nos foi passada afim de que venhamos desenvolver um bom trabalho e ser benefiado gradativamente vamos tentar vamos nos esforça e alcança os nossos obgetivos; sem mais nada fica meusagrdecimentos
Intanto invito le persone a vedere il mio sito, poi le incontro di persona o faccio qualche video chiamata con facebook o skipe spiego un pò tutto… e poi in caso sempre in video chiamata li aiuto ad iscriversi!
La mejor forma de traer clientes para iniciar con gdi es invirtiendo en facebook. Por medio de publicidad en pagos por Clic. Agregar una fotografía en la pagina web de inicio, para dar credibilidad al negocio de web site.
Creo que la mejor forma de duplicar afiliados es conseguir correos electronicos. Como ?
Todos los medios de comunicacion posibles, incluyendo las redes sociales. Una vez que ya tengas el correo, que has despertado un minimo de interes le envias toda la informacion, incluyendo el video en el idioma correspondiente. Internet es el progreso, pero hay mucha informacion. Para conseguir un cliente activo considero que es importante que este receptivo, y se consigue respetando los pasos.
GDI Tips!
A super tip for GDI members.
When looking for new domain name to register.
Choose something close to the search related keyword.
You can find rich keywords for domains.
I do this when, I register my GDI domain name.
It will help your site on search engines.
GDI Tips!
A super tip for GDI members.
When you see missed sign up in your email box.
Send a follow up message to that person.
Let them know, you are there to help them sign up.
Don’t just send them back to the GDI sign up website.
Make a new blog using the WP plugin.
There you will create a sub domain.
You only want to post information about GDI.
Then add a step by step tutorial videos.
Provide what GDI requirement’s are to join.
Credit/Debit Or PayPal at the checkout page.
This is how you can turn your missed sign ups into new members.
After they join, send them your marketing tools or training site.
For a example, take a look at my : http://gdiwebsite.ws
Thanks for reading my tip. More are coming.
GDI Premium Member
Travis Alexander
GDI Tip for Missied Sign Ups?
Send them this message.
Title : Global Domains International Affiliate Program, Information You Requested To Make Money…
Body :
My name is Your Name, I noticed that you recently try to register for Global Domains International but, did not fully complete your registration.
I just wanted to let you know that GDI offers a full 7 day free trial, but you have to choose a .Ws domain name to get the free trial.
GDI owns the .ws extension and you can get the trial only by choosing a .Ws domain name.
If you were looking to try GDI but, you were presented with some type of fee most likely you chose another extension like .com or .net the reason is that GDI can’t offer the free trial on domain extensions they don’t own.
Also did you know that there is no charge to your Credit/Debit card or Paypal account during the 7 day trial period?
If for some reason you decide it’s not for you, simply cancel before the trial has ended and it will cost you nothing.
I mean you have nothing to lose really, give it a shot.
I can help you with any question’s you have so why not get started today?
Plus, you can get paid $20 PayPal payment’s when people join your GDI team.
If just 1 of your GDI referral make’s $100 Monthly.
You get paid $100 Monthly.
If a referral make’s $10,000 Monthly.
You also get paid $10,000 Monthly.
If you don’t have a credit/debit card or PayPal account.
You can order a debit card, and create a PayPal account from my website.
GDI Sign Up Directions Here :
Replace with your website
Global Domains International Affiliate Program,
Setup your own membership account.
Very easy to cancel, if you are not happy with the service.
GDI support team, has instant access support help.
Contact number and email is provided.
Join Our GDI Affiliate Team, All details here :
Global Domains International Affiliate Program Membership Account.
Let me know if, I can help and answer your question’s.
GDI Premium Member,
Travis Alexander
GDI Affiliate Program
Cell 310.431.1132
Travis do you have an Facebook page ?
eu ainda serei um gande memboro da gdi recebendo o suport como estou eu nao tenho duvida disso obrigado gdi;messias moises maciano
Estaría muy bueno que la empresa dé un Mini Bono Semanal. Sería: si un afiliado logra afiliar dos nuevas personas al negocio en una semana y están quedan en estado activo nos ganamos 40 dólares (como ejemplo el número que lo decida GDI).
Sería muy motivador para mí. Hace 5 años que estoy en esto y sé que no es tan fácil como parece.
Otra cosa que estaría espectacular para el crecimiento de Global Domains International y todos sus afiliados sería que:
Cuando un afiliado logra un registro la empresa le pague $10. De esta manera, sobre todo los nuevos, se esforzarían muchísimo para todos los meses tener su membrecía paga. Y se generaría una duplicación súper potente, todos estaríamos súper motivados con esta mejora
Propongo trabajar con una red que sea una Matriz Forzada 5 x 5. Esto puede ser algo que cada cual lo implante en su red de forma individual o mejro sería que fuera una opción que nos de la Empresa GDI.
La matriz forzada 5 X 5 significa que luego que usted ya tiene 5 afiliados en su primer nivel, automáticamente los próximos afiliados que usted inscriba, que pasen a ocupar los niveles de abajo con una prioridad desde el nivel 2 al 5 y de izquierda a derecha en cada nivel.
Claro que si lo ofrece la empresa. esto funcionaría de forma automática, porque si lo hacemos cada uno por nuestra cuenta, solo puedes pasar los del 1er. nivel hacia su 2do. nivel y el resto tienes que organizarlo por fuera, por su propia cuenta.
Has pensado en otro tipo de trabajo? en iniciar en la vida comercial? en alguna de las redes de negocios de multinivel? Todo es bueno y posible, pero por algo tienes que iniciar.
Have you thought about other work? to start in business life? at any of the multilevel business networks? Everything is good and possible, but you have to start something.
GDI is great i quit me reg job and it feels great to be in the online business if your interested in making money & not losing it go to http://www.website.ws/mikerivas and start your free 7 day trial super easy and support is at its finest if you have any questions regarding gdi etc. contact me at 956 517 9257 thanks
It is not a pyramid scheme in fact its a 5 level deep income oppurtunity meaning you refer 5 people that refer 5 people that refer 5 people you get the point you get paid 1$ for everyone in your downline and if you join now there having the big tippers contest where you get a month to refer 1000 people for an extra 5000$ yup you heard it right 5000 dollars every month that has nothing to do with commisions nor monthly checks in the mail if you want to get rich it will take time so once again if you are interested in signing up i will be more than happy to help you build your downline http://www.website.ws/mikerivas
Muchos no tienen idea de cómo trabajar con un sistemas de afiliados o referidos.
Otros tantos no quieren corres riesgos en vincular tarjetas de pagos ni cuentas bancarias en línea, llenando formularios que al final te dicen , “acepta los términos y condiciones de uso” y no sabes ni que están aceptando y los hace desistir.
Propongo a GDI crear un sistema duplicado, igual al que está usando para realizar registros pero para concursar por premios y regalos dándonos la posibilidad de que podamos desarrollar una base de datos de personas que tienen interés en teletrabajar con servicios pero no quieren arriesgar sin antes incursionar un mes, dos o el que se necesite para conocer bien de qué y de quienes se trata y vincularse con tarjetas de pagos.
Con ese tiempo los afiliados podrán ir formando, usando el chat de GDI para crear su red social que luego se transformará en una red de negocios mucho antes de que se afilien al sistema monetizado.
También podrán hacerse de tiempo para sugerir soluciones para el pago y el cobro de las futuras comisiones ya que este varía de acuerdo al país de residencia.
Por cada persona que se registre en este sistema su patrocinador ganara un video traducido al idioma preferido para poder seguir prospectando y con eso tener una forma de demostrar como si se puede ganar recomendando.
Los premios pueden ser desde audio conferencias en idiomas diferentes para conocer como patrocinar, software que necesitemos para creación de páginas web, cursos de fotoshop, aplicaciones para teléfonos, descargas de películas o antivirus y a medida que la red se hace más grande poder tener premios canjeables con instituciones adheridas previo convenio, etc. etc, todo esto con un límite establecido para que las personas, luego de cumplido ese límite migren al sistema GDI y ya si poder tener su oportunidad de ganar dinero con el poder de la duplicación, duplicación que ya aprendió con la práctica diluyendo cualquier miedo existente.
A medida que tomen confianza, las personas pasaran al sistema monetizado con sus primeros contactos de su primera línea que también estarán convencidos de tomar la determinación de ganar dinero con GDI, y estos últimos con sus contactos.
Aporte de Fernando Silva
Many have no idea how to work with an affiliate or referral systems.
Many others do not want to take risks in linking payment cards and online bank accounts, filling out forms at the end you say, “you agree to the terms and conditions of use” and not even know that they are accepting and discourages.
GDI propose to create a duplicate system, like the one being used to make records but to compete for prizes and gifts giving us the opportunity for us to develop a database of people who are interested in telecommuting services but do not want to risk without first venture a month or two it takes to know well what and who it is and linked to payment cards.
In that time the members may be forming, chat using GDI to create your social network then transformed into a business network long before joining the monetized system.
They may also be time to suggest solutions to the payment and collection of future commissions since this varies according to country of residence.
For every person who registers their sponsor this system won a video translated into the language preferred to continue prospecting and thereby have a way to show how you can win if recommending.
Prizes range from audio conferencing to learn different languages as sponsor, we need software for creating Web pages, photoshop courses, applications for mobile, movie downloads or antivirus and as the network grows larger prizes can be exchanged with prior agreement attached institutions, etc.. etc, all with a set limit for people after migrating to meet that limit GDI system and as if to get his chance to make money with the power of duplication, duplication already learned with practice any fear diluting existing .
As you take confidence, people transferred to the system with their first contacts monetized its first line will also be convinced that decide to make money with GDI, and the latter with their contacts.
Contribution of Fernando Silva
Thanks Fernando, we’ve entered your tip!
I made a fb account additional page to keep everyone updated on new information and also any bonuses that i may have been having at that time. i felt it helped because everyone was already on it to begin with so now they were able to keep up with how things were going to
Thanks for sharing, Jazmen!
Are you going to have the tipper bonus in Dec. I have a great idea.
Yes, Eddie. We will be taking ideas and advice from December 1st-10th and 16th-26th for two chances to win. Please share!
I just signed up, this is absolutely a fantastic opportunity for anyone to join! GDI is awesome : )
Welcome, Angela! Feel free to share a tip to enter!
Get or make business cards inviting people to the splash page, then hand them out to everyone, everywhere you go, and leave them around. I’ve left them at Dr. offices, waiting rooms, break rooms, anywhere you can find a board or table is a perfect place.
Thanks, Lori. You’ve been entered!
TIP: Use many social networks to share your GDI business. Some folks like certain networks over others. Don’t just get stuck on one.
Thanks, Rob. You’re entered!
After you join GDI go to your members area watch the Tutorials, learn about the bonuses and contact your upline with any questions. Get connected on facebook & twitter to get tips and advice & to interact with GDI on product news, and get answers to any questions you may have. Most important never give up, believe in yourself and dedicate a minimum of 1 hour a day to your GDI business. Help and support others!
Sponsoring peple (=your signups) is very important! Be polite to them not only till they register but more over agter they are your collegues in GDI!
This is my tip!
Thanks, Ivan. You’re entered!
Here is my tip: I’m promoting GDI a lot with Traffic Exchanges and mailing list, all free of charge.
Also I’m writing and publishing a blog with the correct bonuses of the time, like now I’m promoting the 25$ bonus for all new signups.
Hope that tips was helpful
Neer – neeros
A tip that I use to attract new members is to send the interested in joining to my alternate website which explains more information about the program like what gdi has to offer, processes they have to do, and how it can help them.
Thanks, Tony. You’re entered for the next round that will be up for a vote Dec 27th-31st.
I join GDI about a year ago and never did anything with it , can you help me get a push off.
Hi Raymond, The blog is a great resource for this. You can search for any topic you might be interested in learning more about. Is there something specific you want help with?
Here is a tip . For you to get your GDI link noticed by millions for free . Here the requirement is that everyone has to surf three sites a day . your site has got to be reviewed . So you are guaranteed the hits . Its free and you will get clicks.
Just lerning, but I like it!!
Dear : GDI.,
I still have GDI and currently active pull up monthly payment from my bank account electronic funds transfer. And I just came back from Singapore. I’ve been a year doing business now I am home again in Los Angeles. However, I lost my note my domain name, my password, basically I don’t have anything the only thing I have it is bank record you guys taking the money and would you please send all my information because I am going to work it my email addresses are: lowest_insurance@yahoo.com / lowest_insurance@hotmail.com / sonnyuwo1@gmail.com And my name is Sonny Wong and thanks for help.
Sonny Wong./ ph;626-759-3127 Note : I’ve been call customers service & never answer.
Hi Sonny, Please contact our Support Team at 760-602-3000 or support@website.ws. They are more than happy to help you resolve this issue. Best of luck, Social Media Team.