Tag Archives: social media

Use Social Media to Enhance Your Marketing

Social media has changed marketing as we know it. Here are a few ways to use it to enhance your current marketing efforts.

Find and Connect with the Right People

Building a network is crucial to growing your business, but building it with the right people is essential. While your first thought for building a network may be to cast a big net, this isn’t the best idea. Focus on what type of people you want in your network and search for them with social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

If you’re building a network to grow your business, consider what type of skills and work ethic you’re looking for. For example, someone who is social media savvy or has experience running their own business is a good choice for an affiliate marketing network. Next think if the keywords associated with these qualities and pop them into the search box on your social sites. Lastly, it’s time to send out the invitation to connect and build your network.

Utilize Social Bookmarking

Below each post on this blog there area a few counters and logos for sites. The Affiliate Blog uses the Share This tool to easily let any of our readers share our blog posts easily on Facebook, Twitter, through email or through social bookmarking sites like Pinterest. If you aren’t familiar with social bookmarking sites, they are a lot like their name implies. Social bookmarking sites allow you to create an account and profile so that you can favorite or bookmark any links you want, these favorite links then become part of the profile you have created with these sites, and people can browse your profile for links. Your favorite links are also shared in a feed for anyone one to stumble upon.

Pinterest is the current king of social bookmarking and has revolutionized how it works. Now you can browse images connected to links and repin and share them socially. This means you need to add relevant images to your site and blog if you want to use Pinterest to build traffic.

Build Your Online Reputation

Social media offers a chance to take the knowledge you know and share it in online spaces. Help others on Facebook and Twitter by answering their questions and connecting with them. Share helpful blog posts and respond to inquiries on our forum. People you connect with will trust you and regard you as a thought leader. Also, when people search your name or your team online, they will see how helpful you are, and how you standout above others with the help and support you offer.

What’s Your Story?

If you follow us on Twitter, you may have seen a link we shared on Monday. It was titled “This Will Be the Number One Business Skill in the Next Five Years.” If you didn’t click, do you have any idea what that skill is?


Thanks to social media and the ability to broadcast your message on numerous devices and in numerous forms, storytelling is extremely important. Consumers no longer want to hear your ad pitch; they want to hear your story. The article goes on to say that your story should be compelling enough to get people to want to do business with you.  A great quote comes from Andrew Stanton in the article, “The greatest story commandment: Make me care.” This “commandment” should affect how you tell the story of your business and why people should get involved.

To showcase the importance of storytelling, we asked you for your GDI story on Facebook. We want to know how you became an affiliates. Our favorite compelling story share on Facebook came from Blessed Marketer. This is a great example of a story that compels the reader to want to learn more.

Blessed Marketer: 2009, if I remember correctly. Short version is this:

When you lose your job after nine years of work, and on the last day they literally take a screwdriver and remove the hard drive out of the laptop you’ve been using for last three years because everything on that computer is “their intellectual property,” you start to think.

You start to think “Not only am I losing my income, but I just gave a lot of my effort, thought, and creativity to a company that could still use it even though I’m no longer there. Even worse, now I no longer have access to the work I did!”

Helps you see the value of earning an income on your own terms AND having a place to create and share your own thoughts and work of any type – either through a website or a blog.

(And when I started, the blog wasn’t even an option! Great value there!)

Have an idea for your own? Now is the time to start crafting your story and to begin storytelling to grow your business.

Join GDI on SlideShare

If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you may have noticed we often post links to GDI presentations on SlideShare. Here’s more about the site and why you should be on it.

What is it?

According to their site, SlideShare is “the world’s largest community for sharing presentations. With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million page views, it is amongst the most visited 200 websites in the world.” In short, SlideShare is the place to socially share your presentations.

What are the benefits?

You can create any kind of presentation you want with PowerPoint or similar software and share it instantly. It’s just another way to get eyes on your content and spread the word about your GDI opportunity. Slide presentations are a great alternative to video as they are visual but require less skill and often less time. Additionally, any presentations you have created or used in the past can now have a home online.

How do I use it?

Create slide presentations with PowerPoint or similar programs and instantly upload them to SlideShare. This means you can create presentations about your business, how to be successful with GDI or anything you like. People can then search for your presentation or you can provide them a direct link or link to your channel. Be sure to share contact information in your profile, so viewers of your slides know where to learn more. Head to SlideShare to learn more and start sharing your work!