For Beginners

What do I do now?

Now that you have joined GDI, it’s time to start networking and building your downline. To do this you need to have something to direct these potential team members to, that being your website. First decide what kind of site you would like to display at your domain. Would you like to use a simple replicated site to encourage people to learn more and join with your team, or take the time to create your own site with our tools like SiteBuilder and the WordPress plugin? Either way, when people sign up with GDI through your site, you will become their sponsor and they will become part of your downline. To follow up and see who is joining, navigate to your Members Area>Downline and learn more.

Who can help me?

Your upline should be your main source of help, but anyone can help you succeed with GDI. GDI follows the business model of network marketing which centers around a team and mutual success. Though someone may not be on your team, you will find other affiliates are always willing to offer help and advice. So connect with them on our Facebook, Twitter or But your upline should always be a source of help, just as you should help your downline. Joining with a knowledgeable sponsor is one of the great keys to success with GDI.

One Product or Endless Products?

As you know, Global Domains International offers a powerful affiliate and network marketing opportunity. There are many network opportunities out there, but what sets GDI apart? Why should you join? One reason is the endless number of ways you can use our services and benefit from them. Many network marketing opportunities sell a product, but none are as versatile as GDI. With GDI we market a products and an opportunity that can help you create any business or opportunity for yourself. How do we do this? Giving you the power of your own domain and the ability to brand it anyway you see fit.

Building a Domain for Any Business

No matter the reason for joining GDI, everyone has full access to our products and services. The most important of which being your very own domain name. You can brand your domain name however you like. You can use your .ws domain to create a professional website for your existing business or for one you hope to get off the ground. You can use your domain to showcase your own experience in business and use it as a portal to sell yourself like an online resume. Use your domain to share photos with friends and family all over the world, or simply as a contact form for people wanting to know more about GDI and joining your team. These are just a few ways to use your domain. It’s just one part of what you get when you become a member with GDI, but can be used in an unlimited number of ways.

Not Limited by What You Can Market

Unlike some companies where you are limited by certain line of products and how you can market them, GDI allows you to market our products and opportunity in anyway you see fit. If you know someone who needs a domain, that’s what you should be marketing to them. Know someone just starting out a business? Explain to them the importance of branding themselves with their own .ws domain. Have a friend who just wants to make extra income? Then the income opportunity is for them. Take the time to get to know the people you are marketing to and then tailor GDI to them. With no rigid products, GDI is and can be for everyone.

The opportunities with GDI are endless. You’re creating and branding your own domain and it can be anything you want. How do you use GDI?

Why Did You Join Global Domains International?

Reasons to Join Global Domains International

The main reason people get started with Global Domains International and network marketing is to make some money and generate Income for Life. While this seems like a “no brainer” reason, there are many other great reasons to get started with GDI, like networking, creating your own business and being your own boss. We asked our affiliates on Twitter what their reason was for joining GDI and we got quite a few answers back. Read on for some top answers and our explanations behind them.

Meeting People and Making Money

The GDI business model follows that of network marketing and network marketing is about building a team. While you may have some people you already know interested in GDI, it is a great opportunity to meet and connect with new people interested in making money with GDI. With GDI you can connect with many people through, our Facebook page, Twitter and more. While building your business with GDI you can meet new people and work towards creating successful business relationships with them as well as sharing advices and tips.

Easy and a Great value

How many businesses do you know that take just $10 to get started? Not many! That’s why GDI is unique, with just $10 per month you can start to build income for life. Not only is GDI a low cost way to start your own business, but it’s easy to use and understand. We offer you your own domain name and the tools to create your website and your business. A great value and easy for sure.

Create a Future

We’ve talked recently how GDI is a great way to build income for your future, whatever that may be. If you’re just started out in the business world or headed towards retirement, GDI is a great way to create Income for Life which can help fund your future. Getting started with GDI is easy and if you work hard and don’t give up the possibilities for income and for your future are endless.

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