Ditch the Script

Building your business with GDI is a lot like many other businesses. You need to build connections, add great people to your team and work to making money each and every month. While it may be easy to compare GDI and network marketing to a sales job, this is not true in many ways. Not the least of which is marketing and selling with a script. Duplication is powerful when it comes to network marketing, but duplication doesn’t mean marketing and talking to each potential new team member in the same way. To be successful in building your team, you need to “ditch the script.” Here’s why:

Everyone joins GDI for their own reasons. Surely most people join because of the chance to make Income for Life, but the road that led everyone there is different. Following a specific script to get people to join your team can make you seem rigid, robotic and like your standard sales person, and who wants that? It’s OK to have a base of ideas to market to people and to talk with them about, but try to tailor those ideas to each individual you reach out to. Take the time to learn more about your prospects before telling them about yourself and your opportunity. After hearing their story, you will be better able to relate to them and explain why GDI is the perfect opportunity for them specifically.

So join a team that gives you the tools to duplicate their success, but take the time to put your own spin on your marketing strategy with each person you connect with. This personal touch won’t soon be forgotten.

Sources of Support

Network marketing is most effective and lucrative when you have a strong network and passionate team. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Some people will not have a responsive upline, some people will have trouble getting in touch with their upline and some people will just fall off. That’s where we come in offering you support you might not be able to get from your team. When you need help, advice, or encouragement, check out our sources of support.


You’re already here, so you know that the Affiliate Blog is a great resource for support. On the blog we share tips and motivation and try to respond to your needs and questions. Take the time to use the “search” box on the blog if you’re looking form something specific. If you can’t find it, leave a comment and we will be sure to write a post addressing your issue.

Facebook, Twitter

Have a question you need a quick answer to? Hop on social media. We are always monitoring tweets and posts on our Facebook wall and are happy to answer your questions. Social media is also a place where you can ask questions of your fellow affiliates. Even in you can’t get in touch with your upline, someone on social media will be happy to answer your question.


As you hopefully know, we hold biweekly webinars (register here: www.register.gdiwebinars.ws) to help answer your questions, give you motivation and share advice from some of our top affiliates. Join us every other Tuesday at 1pm PST and bring your questions. We answer your questions live during the webinar and if you take the time to ask us questions before the webinar or suggest topic ideas, we are sure to cover them.

Remember, a strong upline is your best resource, but if you are struggling we’ve got you covered!

Why You Should Be Blogging

Do you have a blog on your GDI domain? You should, here’s our reasons why.

Anyone Out There?

We often post that updating content regularly is an important way to show your traffic and prospects that there is a real person behind your site. While this can be accomplished with a website, a blog is an easy, cost effective way to do this. With our SiteBuilder Blog plugin or our WordPress plugin you can post quick updates, news and advice weekly, daily, even hourly to show your visitors you’re behind your page, you’re active and you have great info to share.

Be a Leader

Having a blog gives you a chance to be a thought leader. Your blog allows you to update quickly and frequently with advice, information on new marketing techniques and trends. This constant flow of great information will help to build your online reputation and establish you as a thought leader.

Simple Training

Blog posts are an easy way to share training with your team. You can share video, audio and of course text and images through your blog. Direct team members and potential team members to your blog where they can access your training materials in a simple, easy to navigate way.

Challenge Yourself

Having a blog challenges you to update regularly or risk your website looking like it has been abandoned. But this is a good thing. This will challenge you to learn new techniques to share tips, new videos and news. Take the time to learn and share it on your blog and both you and your team will benefit.

A Reminder

Your blog serves as a reminder for you to focus on GDI. Set a reminder to post at least a set number of times on your blog per month and you will at least be focusing that amount of time on GDI and building your business. To have something worthwhile to share, you must be doing something worthwhile with GDI. It’s a great cycle to be part of.

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