How to Benefit from Twitter’s New Activity Feed

For those of you already on Twitter, you may have noticed that within the past few months, Twitter has rolled out a new way to see what the people you following are doing, and what your followers have to say about you and who they are. This can all be found under the “Activity” heading on your Twitter homepage. This new feature is great for those using Twitter to build their GDI business and team. Here’s how:

Who is Following Whom

In your activity feed, you can now see some of the recent activity of people you are following all in one place. This includes being able the recent followings of those you follow. This will enable you to build up a network even faster, see who these people are following and if they can be any help to you. You can always immediately follow these people in hopes of a followback and chance to start up a conversation.

Favorited Tweets

Also in this activity timeline you can see recently favorited tweets. This is beneficial to helping you learn more about the people you are following, but also what they are sharing. People often favorite great articles, blogs or just great tweets, so check them out and see how these favorites might help you.

Instant Retweets

Twitter always allowed you the power to see who was retweeting what including your tweets, and now you can see it in real time. Check on this activity and take the time to thank people who retweet your tweets to build up a dialogue. Also see what people are retweeting to see top information and news.

Spotlight on an Affiliate

Every now and then we like to spotlight some of our affiliates to share what works for them, their advice and more. Our first Spotlight Affiliate is Mary Tomaszewski. Learn more about her below. If you would like to be the next Spotlight Affiliate, leave us a note in the comments with your name and why.

How long have you been with GDI?

Since January 2010

What made you join GDI?

My Dad was seeing nice results; he had been doing other things online for several years, but then tested GDI, after not fully understanding the whole program in the past, and saw very nice results. So I needed extra income and always wanted my own business, so I jumped in with him. The low cost at $10/month is very affordable and in today’s economy, allows just about anyone a chance to start a home business.

What is your relationship like with your sponsor?

Well, he’s my Dad as I mentioned and he helps everyone that he or I sponsor-that is one thing he taught me, to always help everyone as much as we can, no matter what level of ability they have, because that is how this business can grow for anyone that puts their mind to learning the business and how we market it. The business and product sells itself, all you need to do is learn how to get prospects then work with them until they are seeing results.

What one tip would you offer to someone just starting out?

ASK many questions to your sponsor. So many people will join, and maybe ask one or two questions, then they may drop off. My best recruits asked me many questions and I love to answer them all, to help someone possibly really change their life with a nice GDI  residual income. Also, trust in the company, their sponsor and especially in themselves that they found the very best online program around.

What do you think helped you most to get on the leader board?

We market 100% to the internet, using a team system that does a very nice job to explain the business and make sales, BUT the key to internet success is to learn how to get targeted traffic to the GDI offer. I feel learning and understanding how to build traffic is the key to online success, and GDI at a 7 day free trial and $10/month, is much easier to sell online than other maybe costlier programs/products in today’s economy. Also, MY work efforts  to build the traffic.. 🙂

What was your friends/family reaction when you told them you were joining GDI?

I’ll use my Dad’s situation because I followed him. Initially we didn’t think anything he did online could actually build and grow to a nice income…so the initial reaction was maybe skeptical. But then we saw how people stay on with GDI for many reasons beyond just a home business opportunity and  we knew he had something special, and now I do too.

How much time do you devote to GDI each week?

About 15 hours. Mostly helping new people get started and advertising, and replying to prospects questions.

When you’re not promoting GDI, what do you like to do?

I like music and like to sing and also hang out with friends.

What is/ was your profession?

I am a Senior Customer Service Rep for a local company. I am working GDI to initially add some extra income, and keep growing to replace my income.

Why You Should Be Attending Webinars

For You

In each webinar we cover topics and issues that GDI Affiliates deal with everyday. We invite you to share topics and questions you would like us to cover in each webinar. We also have a panel of experienced and successful affiliates with us on the webinar sharing their experiences and advice. You can also ask questions of all of the panelists during each webinar and receive live answers and solutions.

For Your Team

Attending a webinar if a great way for new team members to learn more about GDI and getting started with it. With each webinar we will cover common beginner questions as well as marketing tips. Our successful affiliate panelists also answer beginner questions and address the biggest issues new team members may face.

Having your team attend the webinar also gives you a great chance for follow up to discuss what was presented and answer any other questions your team may have. Make attending the webinar a “must-do” for yourself and team members to ensure that time is being spent learning more about building each business and Income for Life.

Ask Questions, See the Topics Covers

If you have a question or topic that you want to learn more about in the webinar format, tell us! We are always taking suggestions for new webinar topics. If you want your team to learn more about social media, or video marketing, we will gladly cover those topics in the next webinar. So leave a message on Facebook, Twitter or the Blog and let us know what you want covered.

Just 30 Minutes

Our webinars are 30 minutes every other week. Surely anyone can find the time for this. Each webinar occurs at 1pm PST, so many people can have it on as they work on their computers. If you can’t attend the webinars, you can always find a recording or the broadcast within just hours at

We hope to see you at our next webinar, Tuesday, December 20th at 1pm PST! Register HERE.

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