Category Archives: Marketing

Longevity Builds Income for Life

Longevity means long life. In network marketing it refers to the long life of your team members. Team members who stay with you for a long time help you to Build Income for Life. While increasing sign ups and building your downline is important, it is equally important to keep those already on your team involved and successful. In many cases it is easier to keep someone on your team rather than to find a new sign up for your team. Your long lasting team members will also have a better understanding of GDI and a larger network. Here a three ways to work towards that long life with your team members.

Keep Lines of Communication Open

Getting new sign ups can be hard work, but this is no reason to ignore your current downline members. Be sure current members know how to contact you. When you get a new email address or phone number, keep them in the loop with this information. If you haven’t heard from a team member in a while and they seem inactive, it’s up to you to reach out to them. It is just as important to occasionally reach out to team members as it is for them to be able to contact you.

Get Inventive

The world of network marketing is always changing, so its important to change accordingly. If you and your team members have been with GDI for a long period of time, it’s important not to get into a rut. Doing the same things over and over again for marketing will get you the same results, if not diminishing results. To get bigger returns for you and your team, get inventive with marketing and team building strategies. Sharing these ideas with your team will keep them engaged and active.

Work Together

Working together combines the first two tips. What better way to get creative and keep in contact with your team members than working together. Your downline should feel like they are a part of a team, not just a cog in a wheel. Working together keeps them interested in GDI and their team and helps to give them more power over their success, success that will help to keep them on board.

Beginners: Keep It Simple

If you’re new to GDI, you probably joined because of the money making potential and the simple model. While it is easy to forget this when you’re frustrated, the model for making Income for Life is simple, especially when you just start out. Three simple steps can help you get started and build your downline: share the 7 minute movie, follow up with everyone, share your site. Repeat these steps and stick with it.

Share the Video

The 7 Minute Movie compels many people to join GDI and start building their own business with us. The movie explains just how you can make money with GDI and the kind of information people want to know before they sign up. The movie is easily shareable and easy to understand. It’s a great tool to help people learn more about GDI and get them interesting in build Income for Life.

Follow Up

Your job doesn’t stop at just getting the movie in front of people. Once someone has watched the movie or you have shared a link to the movie with them, it’s important to follow up. Follow up can be a short email or even a phone call. Just be sure to make it personal and take the time to listen as well as share the value of GDI. If someone needs time to think things over, give them time, then follow up again.

Share Your Site

Your site is a powerful marketing tool and you can build it out anyway you like. You can add banners, contact forms and even the video to ensure people will learn what GDI is all about and know how to get in touch with you to learn more. Our replicated sites also give you the same ability to share GDI and the video, while giving people the chance to sign up with you as a sponsor.

Building your business with GDI is really that simple. Take the time to go through these steps and repeat as needed. As your business grows you can start getting creative with social media tools and more that we often share on the blog.

Combining GDI’s Marketing Tools with Social Media

GDI gives you the marketing tools to build your business and generate Income for Life. Social media allows you to take many of these tools one step further. Learn how you can combine GDI’s marketing tools with social media to share your business with new networks and build your downline.

Your Website and Social Sharing

Your website can be your ultimate marketing tool. It is the place you can share information about yourself, your business and how to get started with GDI. Building a functional site is key, but after that it’s all about how you share it. A great site doesn’t matter if no one is seeing it. That’s why it’s important to share your site on your social networks. You can simply add you site address to your profile information on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. You of course can also share your site in tweets and updates when you’ve got great content to share. Encourage more visitors and views to your site by adding a ShareThis button, giving anyone who visits your site the power to share it with a click of a button.

The Inviter and Facebook and Twitter

The Inviter is a great tool to share your website with your current contacts. If you’re a basic member, simply input the email addresses of people you would like to check out your page and learn more and GDI does the rest of the work for you. Ev

en better if you’re a premium member, the Inviter can grab email addresses right from your personal email account, allow you to decide which people you want to invite and send the emails out for you. When it comes to social networking, the Inviter can help you compose a post for Facebook or a tweet inviting everyone to check out your website, instantly.

Webinars, Videos and Social Media

GDI knows the power of video, which is why our 7 Minute Movie is a great way to market your opportunity. We also share many other videos from webinars to tutorials, you can find what you need in video form from GDI. If you find one of our videos helpful, why not share it? Click the “share” button at the bottom of any of our videos to share on Facebook, Twitter or wherever you like.