Category Archives: Marketing

GDI as a Dynamic Business

Many successful companies can survive for several years because they are able to change the way that they meet customers’ needs as customers’ needs change. This is something you may come across in your own opportunity. Potential team member’s needs are different and always changing, so how do you meet them? That’s where the dynamic nature of GDI comes in. GDI can be taken advantage of many different ways to meet the needs of different types of people, making it truly dynamic. Read on for a few examples and how to tailor GDI to individual needs.

Someone In Need of Branding a Business

When you first start a business or look to expand your reach, branding can be very important. Branding can refer to anything from a logo to a name that sets your business apart from others. An essential part of branding these days is a domain name. GDI gives everyone access to their own domain. Even better, .WS domains also come with 10 personalized email addresses to truly personalize your business. Reaching out to someone who is starting their own business? Market them the unique branding opportunity that GDI offers.

Someone In Need of Extra Income

In a tough economy, many of us are looking for ways to create extra income, or supplement some that may have been lost. As you come across people in these situations, be sure to emphasize the affiliate opportunity GDI offers. Whether people just have a few spare hours in their schedule or one free day per week, they can work on building Income for Life with GDI.

Someone Priced Out of .COMs

GDI is your home for .WS domains. .WS domains are affordable, unlike many .COMs, and still have many top domain names for your purchase. If someone if looking to purchase a domain for themselves of their business, have them consider .WS. Chances are the domain name they want if available and at a price they can afford (just $10 per month!) unlike many .COMs.

The GDI Difference: The Inviter and 7 Minute Movie

This is the final part of a series explaining why GDI is different than the affiliate marketing companies you have heard of before. Share these blogs with anyone you know who might be skeptical or just wants to learn more.


GDI always works hard to do the marketing for you. That’s why we offer the Inviter. The Inviter allows GDI members to input email address or their email account information so that customized emails can be sent out for you. The Inviter allows all members the chance to reach out to their current network and let them know about the opportunity with just a few clicks of the mouse.

These emails link to your WebSite, giving potential team members the chance to quickly and effectively learn about your opportunity. Unlike other affiliate programs that can overwhelm people with the number of products and what they do, GDI gives you the chance to share our product (your WebSite) and share just how it works simply.

7 Minute Movie

Other affiliate programs may give you a script to follow to as a way of “helping” you build your team. At GDI, we go farther than that. Our 7 Minute Movie has all the information someone interested in GDI needs to know. The movie can easily be added to your site or taken advantage with a replicated page. Best of all, you get to us the GDI created 7 Minute Movie and still get the lead. That’s marketing made easy.

The GDI Difference: WebSite and Email

This is the second part of a series explaining why GDI is different than the affiliate marketing companies you have heard of before. Share these blogs with anyone you know who might be skeptical or just wants to learn more.


You’ve seen it before: affiliate marketing sites that are nothing more than a personalized link. The only thing that sets one affiliate apart from another is their name at the end of a generic link. With GDI this couldn’t be more different.

If you want to get up and running immediately, but look a little different, you can quickly chose from one of our many replicated pages. But, to truly take advantage of GDI, you can build your own website using SiteBuilder or WordPress. These tools allow you to create a truly unique site that you can use for your affiliate opportunity. Even better, if you are really skilled with building websites, you can create your own and host it with GDI. GDI gives you the chance to make your business stand out and not get lost in the crowd of other affiliates.


While some other opportunities offer email, GDI is truly different. With just a basic membership, GDI gives you 10 personal email addresses for your domain. This means not only can you take advantage of them, but so can your family. The multiple addresses also gives you a chance to use our email for business or personal use without having to sign up for an additional account. More so, GDI offers an easy to use email service allowing you to access you email from anywhere.