Category Archives: Advice

What’s Your Story?

If you follow us on Twitter, you may have seen a link we shared on Monday. It was titled “This Will Be the Number One Business Skill in the Next Five Years.” If you didn’t click, do you have any idea what that skill is?


Thanks to social media and the ability to broadcast your message on numerous devices and in numerous forms, storytelling is extremely important. Consumers no longer want to hear your ad pitch; they want to hear your story. The article goes on to say that your story should be compelling enough to get people to want to do business with you.  A great quote comes from Andrew Stanton in the article, “The greatest story commandment: Make me care.” This “commandment” should affect how you tell the story of your business and why people should get involved.

To showcase the importance of storytelling, we asked you for your GDI story on Facebook. We want to know how you became an affiliates. Our favorite compelling story share on Facebook came from Blessed Marketer. This is a great example of a story that compels the reader to want to learn more.

Blessed Marketer: 2009, if I remember correctly. Short version is this:

When you lose your job after nine years of work, and on the last day they literally take a screwdriver and remove the hard drive out of the laptop you’ve been using for last three years because everything on that computer is “their intellectual property,” you start to think.

You start to think “Not only am I losing my income, but I just gave a lot of my effort, thought, and creativity to a company that could still use it even though I’m no longer there. Even worse, now I no longer have access to the work I did!”

Helps you see the value of earning an income on your own terms AND having a place to create and share your own thoughts and work of any type – either through a website or a blog.

(And when I started, the blog wasn’t even an option! Great value there!)

Have an idea for your own? Now is the time to start crafting your story and to begin storytelling to grow your business.

Monday Marketing Tips

marketingYou told us in our recent poll that you wanted to more marketing information. We’re happy to oblige and will no be sharing marketing tips each Monday. These quick tips are great to apply to your own opportunity or share with others in your downline, on your team or just in your life.

Offer something. Sure you want people to sign up and earn money, but what can they get right away? Some prospects need instant gratification as a push. Offer education, information or support right away.

Track your invites. GDI’s Inviter tool allows you to easily send out emails to interested prospects, but you’re not done once the email is sent. Check back in your Members Area to track the emails stats, like opens and click-throughs to know who to follow up with and what subject lines work.

Know your competitors. Do you know what GDI offers versus other programs? If not, it’s time to find out and share! Let prospects know how GDI matches up to other more expensive services. Get started HERE.

What is Duplication in Affiliate Marketing?

By now you’ve probably heard all about our Duplication Bonus that rewards you for growing your team, but do you know what duplication is? Here’s what it is and how it can benefit you.

What is Duplication?

When it comes to marketing your GDI opportunity and gaining new sign ups, duplication means simple and repeatable.  It means that if you truly want to grow your downline and business that the way you market the opportunity has to be easy to understand and easy for those you sign up to recreate and get new sign ups themselves. That’s why when 10 of your new downline members earn the Learning Bonus, you qualify for the Duplication Bonus. It’s a repeatable and educational way to grow your business. Aside from the bonuses, a great way that duplication can be achieved is by sharing the 7 minute movie, sharing some simple facts about GDI along with your favorite features or sharing GDI’s newest interview on Moving America Forward. It doesn’t take too much effort for your downline to share these pages to get others interested and signed up. Then your new downline members can do the same thing to grown their downline. This all adds up to duplication.


Why It’s Beneficial

It may take a little time to figure out your best duplication system, but once you do it will make your work that much easier. Duplication is beneficial because it gives those around you the simple tools to excel with GDI. Find a way of marketing that works for you, that is simple, direct and can be done by anyone, then allow your new team members to use the same marketing duplication system to build both of your downlines. So get started on a simple and duplicable marketing strategy today!