Category Archives: Advice

The Importance of Focus

Part of what draws many people to GDI and any affiliate marketing opportunity is that entrepreneurial spirit. It is the desire to create something of your own and be your own boss. But what also comes with this is a desire to try things and quickly move onto the next or be involved with one too many projects without giving the full dedication that is needed to succeed. Focus is an important part of success, if you can’t focus on your business and your plans for success it difficult to move forward.

Build a Basic Connection

Your most important connection when starting out with GDI is your upline. It is important to build a relationship with your upline even before you sign up. Your upline is the person who should have the answers and assistance there for you whenever you need it. Your upline is someone who is more experienced than you with GDI and you want to make sure you have good open lines of communication with them. Pepper them with questions before you sign up, send them emails and ask them about their own successes and struggles before you join their time. If you have already joined with an upline, it’s not too late. Take the time to reach out to your upline and ask for help at any time. To find your upline simple navigate to your Members Area>Upline.

Focus Your Attention on One Opportunity at a Time

First and foremost, if you are discouraged with your slow progress with GDI, take a second to look at how much time you are devoting to it. While GDI offers a business model that can do the work for you, your work is still needed. If you’ve signed up and walked away from your computer waiting for the money to roll in, this is your first problem. Many successful affiliates will tell you that GDI gives you the tools to succeed, but you need to use them!

Secondly, if you’re involved in several affiliate programs, this could be another reason for your slowed progress. Giving multiple opportunities some of your attention will not pay off in the same way that giving one opportunity (like GDI) your full attention will. Also take the time to focus your goals and plans for success for GDI. Make a plan for what you would like to achieve with GDI and follow it, don’t get distracted with each new marketing strategy. Focus on what works for you.

Manage Your Online Identity to Promote Growth

Using the internet to grow your business with GDI has never been easier. You can build a presence online and connect with people through your website, blogs, social media sites and much more. But with everything you do online these days, you are creating an internet identity. Read our tips below to make sure your online identity is working with you instead of against you.

Work with Your Team

People talk and review online constantly, and you don’t want a discouraged downline member badmouthing you online to potential new team members. This is one of the many reasons it is important to be a responsive upline and be as helpful as possible to all of your team members. Not only does your success depend on them, but so does your reputation. Don’t let someone else create a bad online identity for you.

Become a Thought Leader

This is a great chance to take the knowledge you know and share it in public online places. Help others on Facebook and Twitter by answering their questions and connecting with them. Share helpful blog posts and respond to inquiries on our forum. People you connect with will trust you and regard you as a thought leader. Also, when people search your name or your team online, they will see how helpful you are, and how you standout above others with the help and support you offer.

Do Your Homework on Yourself

Take your time to search and check up on yourself online to see what is already out there. What kind of identity have you already created without even trying? Try to diffuse any bad reputation you may have gotten with more helpful and open information and kept the good stuff coming if you already have a great online identity. You want your most recent, helpful sites and information to be at the top of results, helping people make a quick decision on whether or not to join your team.

For Beginners

What do I do now?

Now that you have joined GDI, it’s time to start networking and building your downline. To do this you need to have something to direct these potential team members to, that being your website. First decide what kind of site you would like to display at your domain. Would you like to use a simple replicated site to encourage people to learn more and join with your team, or take the time to create your own site with our tools like SiteBuilder and the WordPress plugin? Either way, when people sign up with GDI through your site, you will become their sponsor and they will become part of your downline. To follow up and see who is joining, navigate to your Members Area>Downline and learn more.

Who can help me?

Your upline should be your main source of help, but anyone can help you succeed with GDI. GDI follows the business model of network marketing which centers around a team and mutual success. Though someone may not be on your team, you will find other affiliates are always willing to offer help and advice. So connect with them on our Facebook, Twitter or But your upline should always be a source of help, just as you should help your downline. Joining with a knowledgeable sponsor is one of the great keys to success with GDI.