All posts by GDI Corporate

10 Quick Tips to Manage Your Online Reputation and Work Towards Longevity

Two things that are extremely important in affiliate marketing are your reputation and the length of your relationships with team members. Longevity and a great reputation will help to grow your business and keep it strong into the future. To celebrate Friday, we’re sharing 10 quick tips to achieve both.

Online Reputation

  1. Google your full name, screen name, and email to see what’s out there. Work to address any bad feedback there may be and promote and share the good.
  2. Get active on social media. Share news, advice, and information that may be helpful to anyone looking for an affiliate opportunity.
  3. Respond to tweets, emails, and Facebook postings aimed out you. This shows not only are you listening, but you care enough to respond.
  4. Share your successes. If you’ve had a great week, month, year or whatever be sure to share in on your blog and broadcast it to anyone listening.
  5. Be a thought leader. This means staying ahead of trends and actively sharing information on new tactics and approaches.


  1. Look at your downline as part of your team and work together with them to build mutual success.
  2. Reach out to your team before they need your help. Check in with each team member to assure them they are valuable.
  3. Respond to complaints and questions quickly. An unanswered question or plea for help can be the tipping point for many team members to give up.
  4. Get inventive. Don’t be satisfied with just doing things the same old way. Get creative with your team and share new ideas and build new plans for success.
  5. Set goals for your team. How can you truly succeed if you don’t know what your goals are? Work with your team to continually set new and future goals.

Target the Right People

With GDI, the selling and the marketing is done for you. We give you the tools to market easily, taking away some of the headaches of creating your own videos and tools. The marketing tools also give you the time you need to build your team with the right people. We can’t say it enough, affiliate marketing is all about people. It’s about working with the right people and maintaining those relationships for the long haul.  We’ve highlighter a few types of people who may be great to add to your team.

The Talkers

These people are easy to find online and out in the real world. They are the people who always seem to know what’s going on and want to share the news. Anyone who isn’t afraid to share and chat is someone who can be a great team member. These people aren’t afraid to share their website and opportunity on Facebook, Twitter and at parties. Look for people who like to be involved and like to talk; they can make great team members.

The Site Savvy

Though a little harder to spot, these people who are website and internet savvy can also make great team members. Look for people who promote the sites they have created on Facebook, Twitter and any other social network you’re on. You can even go so far as to reach out to part time web designers, chances are they will know how to make a great site and be excited about the opportunity to build extra income off of referrals.

The Networkers

The networkers can be spotted easily on social media. They have tons of friends, followers and fans and are always engaging with others. They are a great person to reach out to and help you build your team because they already have a network. Start conversations with the networkers to establish a relationship, when you feel comfortable share the GDI opportunity with them.

Who has helped to build your team?

GDI as a Dynamic Business

Many successful companies can survive for several years because they are able to change the way that they meet customers’ needs as customers’ needs change. This is something you may come across in your own opportunity. Potential team member’s needs are different and always changing, so how do you meet them? That’s where the dynamic nature of GDI comes in. GDI can be taken advantage of many different ways to meet the needs of different types of people, making it truly dynamic. Read on for a few examples and how to tailor GDI to individual needs.

Someone In Need of Branding a Business

When you first start a business or look to expand your reach, branding can be very important. Branding can refer to anything from a logo to a name that sets your business apart from others. An essential part of branding these days is a domain name. GDI gives everyone access to their own domain. Even better, .WS domains also come with 10 personalized email addresses to truly personalize your business. Reaching out to someone who is starting their own business? Market them the unique branding opportunity that GDI offers.

Someone In Need of Extra Income

In a tough economy, many of us are looking for ways to create extra income, or supplement some that may have been lost. As you come across people in these situations, be sure to emphasize the affiliate opportunity GDI offers. Whether people just have a few spare hours in their schedule or one free day per week, they can work on building Income for Life with GDI.

Someone Priced Out of .COMs

GDI is your home for .WS domains. .WS domains are affordable, unlike many .COMs, and still have many top domain names for your purchase. If someone if looking to purchase a domain for themselves of their business, have them consider .WS. Chances are the domain name they want if available and at a price they can afford (just $10 per month!) unlike many .COMs.