Tag Archives: commision

IDNs yog dab tsi? Vim yog lawv A zoo peev?


Muaj kev tham txog Internationalized npe puav yog dab tsi thiab ua raws nraim li cas lawv ua hauj lwm ntau heev. Qhov no yuav ua tau ruam tag vim IDNs tsis zoo li txhua yam ua ntej. Tiam sis muaj ob peb yooj yim kom to taub cov IDNs thiab vim lawv yog li ntawd, tseem ceeb thiab zoo. Cias muab, ib tus internationalized sau npe (IDN) yog ib tug hauv internet sau npe uas muaj cim lwm cov niam ntawv English, Piv txwv los ntawm hom lus xws li Arabic, Hebrew, Suav thiab lwm.

Ib txhis sau: website.ws
Tus suav raws li IDN: 网页.ws

IDNs yog li ntawd, tseem ceeb thiab zoo vim lawv yog tsim lub sij hawm rau txhua tus neeg nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb, tsis hais lus los yog qhov chaw nyob, yuav tsum tau mus saib tau hauv Internet nyob rau hauv lawv cov hom lus.


Tam sim no kom koj to taub tias xyov IDNs no zoo li cas, Nws tseem ceeb heev uas yuav tau paub seb koj yuav tau mus ua nyiaj los ntawm lawv. IDNs muaj ntau txoj kev uas khwv tau nyiaj thiab hlob koj tus lag luam. Yog thawj tus qauv zoo mus li cas koj khwv tau nyiaj los ntawm peb cov Basic thiab hwm tej pob khoom. Tav twg leejtwg hauv koj lub downline yuav muaj IDN, koj khwv tau 10% cov uas yuav muaj tsib qib.


Nyob rau theem tom ntej ntawm IDNs los sai sai, koj yuav tau auction koj IDNs thiab muag rau lub bidder tig lub nyiaj ntau tshaj plaws. Sau auctions tshwm sim txhua lub sijhawm, thiab auction qhov chaw uas pab txhawb lub muas ua raws li tus txheej txheem tib: Thaum twg ib tug sau investor sells lawv sau kom tau ntau tshaj yog tus bidder, hauv lub site auction khaws ua kev lag luam txheem nqi ntawm 10% txog rau tag nrho cov muag khoom ntawm tus sau. Tab sis cov GDI, koj yuav khwv tau ntau. GDI yuav khaws cov zoo tib yam 10%, tab sis, peb xav kom muab nws qhia rau koj thiab koj lub network. GDI yuav tsuas khaws 5% of this 10%. Cov seem 5% yuav muab faib raws li cov nyiaj rau tus tsib upline affiliates ntawm tus tswv tsev IDN nyob rau hauv the amount of 1% txhua.

Koj cov thaj chaw neeg tam sim no

Thaum koj yuav tau ib lub IDN nws yuav tshwm nyob rau hauv koj hauv koj cheeb tsam, li ntawd, yuav tsis muaj los ua ib tug account tshiab coj kom zoo dua qhov sawv daws muaj amazing. Nco ntsoov koj tsim nyog yuav thiab tsis tau npaj rau qhov debut ntawm GDI IDNs lub rau hli ntuj 28th thaum 6 pm PST.